Quinone Biosynthesis in Plastids and Cyanobacteria
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellStutts et al. explore an evolutionary mystery in quinone biosynthesis.
By Lauren Stutts1, Scott Latimer1, Zhaniya Batyrshina1, Gabriella Dickinson1, Hans Alborn2, Anna K. Block2, and Gilles J. Basset1
1Department of Horticultural Sciences, University of…

A cell surface player required for dehydration signaling in foxtail millet
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellZhao, Zhang, Liu et al. identify an essential kinase for foxtail millet dehydration tolerance.
By Yuxue Zhang and Meicheng Zhao
Key Laboratory of Agricultural Water Resources, Hebei Key Laboratory of Soil Ecology, Center for Agricultural Resources Research,…

Plant Physiology Spotlights September First Authors
Blog, Community, Plant Physiology: Author ProfilesIn September, we published many innovative manuscripts in Plant Physiology. Behind those manuscripts are researchers, professors, professionals and students dedicated to advancing the field of plant science. You’ve seen our First Authors on Twitter and Facebook— now, read more about why they chose…

ac4C modification of mRNA is required for plant development
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellWang et al. reveal the wide occurrence and biological function of N4-acetylcytidine in plant mRNA.
Huijie Liu and Mingjia Chen
College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, P.R. China
Background: Eukaryotic mRNA harbors more…

Overcoming barriers to bioengineering new disease resistance
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellBentham, De la Concepcion et al. fine-tuned a plant immune receptor pair to allow for engineering new specificities while avoiding autoactivation.
Adam R Bentham, Mark J Banfield
Department of Biochemistry and Metabolism, John Innes Centre, Norwich Research…

A regulatory loop involving FLOWERING PROMOTING FACTOR1-like proteins, VERNALIZATION1, and FLOWERING LOCUS T1 represses flowering in Brachypodium distachyon
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellLiu et al. identify two proteins that repress flowering by acting on the florigen activation complex.
Background: Timely flowering is critical for plant reproductive success. FLOWERING PROMOTING FACTOR1 (FPF1), a small protein without any known domains, has…

Review: Development of organs for nutrient uptake in parasitic plants and root nodule symbiosis
Plant Science Research WeeklyThis review by Cui et al. makes the interesting comparison between the developmental processes involved in root nodule formation and haustoria formation by roots of parasitic plants. As the authors observe, both are organs that are produced for the purpose of nutrient acquisition through “intimate…

Review: Complementing model species with model clades
Plant Science Research WeeklyWithout doubt, Arabidopsis thaliana has thoroughly demonstrated its usefulness as a model species. In this interesting article by Mabry et al. (with an impressive author list!), the authors propose to expand the Arabidopsis toolkit to encompass its entire order – its family of families, the Brassicales.…

Review: Challenges to improving plant growth through introduced microbes
Plant Science Research WeeklyPlants are closely associated with large numbers of microbes that live in, on, and around them; these are collectively called the plant microbiota. Microbes can be pathogenic, neutral, or beneficial. Beneficial microbes might enhance nutrient uptake by the plant or suppress pathogenic microbes. There…