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Celebrating 2024 Pride Month

Happy Pride Month! We hope you have a proud and happy month celebrating the support and diversity of the LGBTQ+ plant scientist community. Our hope is we all continue to work together to cultivate an inclusive and accepting community for all plant scientists. As part of our goal to foster community,…

Plants and Queerness

  Plant life is queer life. Plant life resists classification, redefines sex and reimagines ways of being. Plant life takes root underground, in the darkness, and spreads its limbs towards the light. Plant life is unshakable resilience. Plant life is perpetual growth. Plant life is a gift. Not…

Transitioning in the lab

  I work as a bioinformatics-focussed research assistant in the Osbourn group at the JIC, which is the same lab I did my PhD in. Our lab focusses on plant natural product biosynthesis, and my own research involves leveraging the huge (and ever increasing..!) wealth and diversity of ‘omics data…

June 2022: choosing to be hopeful

              Living in California and being surrounded by people who celebrate queerness has given me so much hope for the future. I fantasize about a world where young queer kids have queer role models in STEM, and dont have to face discrimination during their formative years. What…

A queer stroll through the meadow

            The world is so complicated, and it is changing so fast. I seldom feel like I have my footing. I never know what the right thing to do is, and I never know how I should be thinking about things. I fixate on this as I walk into a familiar meadow in autumn. I open a book of poems…