Entries by Plantae Community

The Future of Education: Addressing Plant Blindness to Confront Global Challenges

We are currently being confronted with a multitude of global challenges encompassing critical issues such as climate change, pollution, conservation efforts, and public health concerns. Given the gravity of these issues, it is crucial to be well-informed in order to make responsible decisions for the future to mitigate environmental challenges. However, despite the urgency, plant […]

Plant Physiology Spotlights April and May 2023 First Authors

In April and May, we published many innovative manuscripts in Plant Physiology. Behind those manuscripts are researchers, professors, professionals and students dedicated to advancing the field of plant science. You’ve seen our First Authors on Facebook and Twitter — now, read more about why they chose to pursue plant sciences and click on the links […]

How to Write a Resume, Cover Letter & CV

A carefully crafted CV, resume, and cover letter are essential for successfully presenting yourself in today’s cutthroat job market. By showcasing your abilities, accomplishments, and credentials, these documents act as your introduction to prospective employers. This article will guide you in creating a standout cover letter, resume, and CV. It will also provide insightful advice […]

Developing a System of Accountability at Plant Conferences

Personal safety and freedom from harassment & discrimination at conferences have been identified as major concerns, particularly amongst people who experience significant intersections of oppression. Furthermore, clear systems of accountability are needed to address occurrences of harm. As first steps, The NSF-funded ROOT & SHOOT Research Coordination Network has arranged for onsite Conference Ombuds services […]

Introduction to Graphic Design in Research

In plant biology, like any scientific discipline, the ability to efficiently express complex data and ideas is essential both for building knowledge amongst specialists and for disseminating information to the broader public. Graphic design skills have become increasingly important in this regard, as they enable scientists to create clear and visually appealing graphics, diagrams, and […]

Decoding the Code with R

In this hands-on guide on how to use R, we hope to provide a general guide on how to use R for your (plant) science needs. Whether you are new to R, or a frequent R-user, through this article we hope to inspire you to take your data analysis to the next level! We provide […]

Meet the ASPB #PlantBio2023 Conference Correspondents

New to Plant Biology 2023 and made possible by Aralab, ASPB will be welcoming five Conference Correspondents, an impressive group of plant biologists who will be onsite at the conference keeping the global plant science community updated on the most exciting science and events happening throughout the week. Attendees and those from around the world […]