Entries by Plantae Community

Let Us Appreciate Efforts Over Outputs

In contemporary society, outcomes often take precedence in determining one’s identity. During job interviews, a few lines on a CV become the barometer of one’s professional experience. Academic prospects hinge on the numerical value of a GPA. All too frequently, self-worth becomes intertwined with measurable achievements, serving as benchmarks of personal validation within societal constructs. […]

Literature Tools for Researchers

Search engines, databases, and literature searches, oh my!   Finding and managing references is a complex task. Luckily there are a number of digital tools that can help this task. In this infographic, ASPB Plantae Fellow Ángel Vergara Cruces presents a series of articles to find, access, organize and analyze research. Included are tools that can […]

Building Up the Next Generation of Scientists

Pablo Picasso once said “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” Building upon this notion, Anna Kuchment mentioned that “all children have an inner scientist, and we need to get them in touch with their inner scientist” (Kuchment, 2013). With this in mind, cultivating curiosity […]

Plant Physiology Spotlights June First Authors

In June, we published many innovative manuscripts in Plant Physiology. Behind those manuscripts are researchers, professors, professionals and students dedicated to advancing the field of plant science. You’ve seen our First Authors on Twitter  and Facebook— now, read more about why they chose to pursue plant sciences and click on the links below to read […]

Applications Now Open For the 2023-2024 Plantae Fellows Program

Are you a creative and articulate plant scientist looking to connect with other like-minded folks? We need your help to nurture and grow Plantae, the online home for the global plant science community that is powered by ASPB. We are looking for individuals who want to become highly engaged by creating and curating content, facilitating […]

The Future of Education: Addressing Plant Blindness to Confront Global Challenges

We are currently being confronted with a multitude of global challenges encompassing critical issues such as climate change, pollution, conservation efforts, and public health concerns. Given the gravity of these issues, it is crucial to be well-informed in order to make responsible decisions for the future to mitigate environmental challenges. However, despite the urgency, plant […]