Entries by Mary Williams

Recognition of sequence-divergent CIF peptides by the plant receptor kinases GSO1/SGN3 and GSO2 (bioRxiv)

SCHENGEN 3 [SGN3, also known as GASSHO1 (GSO1)] is a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase (LRR-RK) previously shown to interact with CIF peptides (CASPARIAN STRIP INTEGRITY FACTORS) to regulate the development of the Casparian strip boundary in roots. Here, Okuda et al. characterize the CIF/LRR-RK interaction. They show that that there is a wide range of […]

Structural basis for recognition of RALF peptides by LRX proteins during pollen tube growth (bioRxiv)

RALFs (Rapid Alkalinization Factors, based on historical observations that they induce alkalization of the extracellular space) are signaling peptides with diverse roles. RALF4 is required for pollen tube growth and guidance through its interactions with CrRLK1Ls and leucine-rich extension (LRX) proteins. Moussu, Broyart et al. characterized the complex formed between RALF4 and homodimers of the […]

Mechanisms of RALF peptide perception by a heterotypic receptor complex (Nature) ($)

RALFs (Rapid Alkalinization Factors, based on historical observations that they induce alkalization of the extracellular space) are signaling peptides with diverse roles. RALFs have previously been shown to bind to the extracellular domain of (among others) FERONIA (FER), a member of the Catharanthus roseus RLK1-like (CrRLK1L) family. LORELIE-Like GPI-membrane anchored protein (LLG) has been shown […]

Root system depth is shaped by EXOCYST70A3 via modulation of auxin transport (Cell)

The angle at which roots grow into the soil is modulated by the interaction between genetics and environment, and involves the gravity perception and response pathways including auxin transporters. Ogura et al. did a GWAS analysis of the gravitropic response of different Arabidopsis accessions in the presence of the auxin-transport inhibitor NPA, and identified allelic […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 19th

Review: Formal description of plant morphogenesis ($) In recent years, a number of tools have been developed to describe and model plant morphogenesis, and these approaches have greatly informed our understanding of the molecular processes that underpin the control of growth. This excellent review by Pałubicki et al. is “an attempt to bring together a […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 12th

Review: Synthetic biology in photosynthetic microbes: present and future Photosynthetic microbes are emerging models for synthetic biology applications since they possess relatively simple physiology and cellular organization, fast growth in liquid culture, and facile genetic manipulation. In this paper, Vavitsas et al. review current synthetic biology tools and applications applied to cyanobacteria and algae. Cyanobacteria, […]