Entries by Mary Williams

Review: Potential applications of plant biotechnology against SARS-CoV-2 (Trends Plant Sci.)

For those of you about to start teaching again, here’s a great article to share with your plant science students, showcasing the ways that plant biologists are contributing to the international efforts to develop diagnostic reagents, vaccines, and antiviral drugs to combat the global COVID-19 pandemic. Plants are particularly useful in these efforts as protein […]

Complete microviscosity maps of living plant cells and tissues with a toolbox of targeting mechanoprobes (PNAS)

Biological processes are ruled by physical as well as chemical forces and properties, but the former are much less well understood and studied. Here, Michels et al. describe a collection of fluorescent probes that provide a quantitative visual readout of microviscocity, reflecting the physical properties of cellular compartments. The core of each probe is a […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: August 7, 2020

Review: Potential applications of plant biotechnology against SARS-CoV-2 For those of you about to start teaching again, here’s a great article to share with your plant science students, showcasing the ways that plant biologists are contributing to the international efforts to develop diagnostic reagents, vaccines, and antiviral drugs to combat the global COVID-19 pandemic. Plants […]

Teaching the next generation of plant scientists using the creative Plant Teaching Tools

Contributed by Wei He, an Associate Professor in Northwest University, Xian, China.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1236-3047. You can read this post in Chinese here. I started teaching “Advance Plant Physiology and Biochemistry” for postgraduate students in Northwest University in China in 2013. In preparation for the module I came across the Teaching Tools in Plant Biology and […]

培养下一代的植物学家——创新性的教学工具the Plant Teaching Tools

Contributed by Wei He, an Associate Professor in Northwest University, Xian, China.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1236-3047. You can read this post in English here. 自2013年起,我开始承担西北大学高级植物生理生化课程的教学工作。在课程筹备之时,我偶然在网上发现了由The Plant Cell推出的“植物学教学工具(Teaching Tools in Plant Biology)”系列课程及课件,之后,我也将此教程应用到了自己的教学课程中。   这个系列的课程能够为科研工作者,尤其是研究生们带来很多专业方面的益处。首先,该系列以实验、分析和逻辑为基础进行设计,每一个章节(主题)都包含一篇与相关研究方向对应的综述文章。作者将经典和最新前沿内容汇编,采用幻灯片展示的手法将该主题的知识点一一具体呈现给读者。由于该幻灯片包含大量的插图、实验原理示意图和实验结果图片,因此在我看来,这种设计理念完全符合“植物学是建立在找寻科学证据的本质基础之上”这一概念。在实际教学工作中,当涉及到实验设计和结果分析时,我主张引导学生积极思考,力求使他们能够深刻理解二者之间蕴含的逻辑性。例如,在缺乏磷元素的环境下,植物地上部位的small RNA被诱导并被转运至地下部位,以促进根部的磷吸收。通过详细讲解该实验中五个实验组设置的必要性(见下图),相信学生会在自己以后的实验设计中进行深入思考,三思而后行。 其次,整个系列中所阐述的概念和得出的结论均相对简洁和生动,便于学习者理解和记忆。例如,作者在解释螺旋型叶序中两个叶原基的夹角与360度呈黄金分割比例这一概念时,在幻灯片中展示了《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》画像以及雅典卫城的建筑来举例说明。而该系列中诸如此类的讲解方法比比皆是。这些令人印象深刻的例子能够帮助读者在脑海里映射出浅显易懂的概念和原理,极大地促进了对相关知识点的理解。   最后,该课程每一个章节均由该研究领域卓有成就的学者撰写和编排,并定期更新,因此能很好的反应该领域的前沿科学问题及研究方向。     综上所述,在实际教学中,我会让学生在课前事先预习每一个章节内的综述文章,在课后结合自身对讲授内容的理解进行复习。虽然这一过程在开始较为费时费力,但通常经过一个学期的学习以后,相当一部分学生能够比较自如的运用英语进行阅读和写作。考虑到学生的基础和理解程度,在课堂上进行全英文的讲授和互动目前来说还不甚成熟,但是通过对课程中提及的专业词汇进行熟悉、记忆与发音练习,很多学生表示,得益于该课程,在之后参加的国际会议中,能够更好地听懂并且理解与会者的报告内容。   通过该课程的学习,还可以帮助学生提高很多附加技能(transferrable skills),比如(做)报告技巧。该技能是研究型人才必备的一项技能,通过对课程课件的学习,学生可以直观的学习如何用关键要素组织一个好的报告,如何增强观众体验。在教学中我也会引入分组讨论,以锻炼学生的团队协作技能。在分组讨论中,不同特点的学生可以在小组中找到适合自己的角色,锻炼其分析、汇报、领导力及其它方面的能力,通过发挥各人特长而树立个人自信心。   中期考试也是一项重要环节,通常会要求学生根据自身感兴趣的植物科学有关内容撰写一篇小论文。因此在三年的硕士学习生涯中,参与本门课程的学生有机会在第一年便锻炼独立撰写科学论文的能力,而该门课程中所包含综述文章无疑是学生们学习如何撰写科学论文的标杆。上述提及的附加技能训练,在当前的国内研究生培养体系中较为缺乏,通过本门课程的学习可以有效弥补学生们该方面的欠缺,这对他们学术生涯的成长至关重要。除此之外,我还会在课程结束后发放调查问卷,收集归纳学生对课程的意见和建议,通过这种方式,鼓励他们自信地去表达自己的声音和意见,同时不断调整课程内容,以期达到最优效果。   2020年初爆发的COVID-19感染,使多所学校调整教学模式,将线下课程的教学改为了线上讲述。这也许是本文提到的“植物学教学工具(Teaching Tools in Plant Biology)”在国内的学术媒体中逐渐走进同行的视野并得到推广的原因。而这使我更加确信,在7年前做出的使用该教程的决定是正确的。虽然该教程在教学中的应用需要教师对现代的教学方法更加熟悉,对教师自身的英语语言能力提出了更高的要求,并需要教师具备主动创新的动力和激情,但以我自身对该教程的使用经验,我鼓励更多从事与植物研究相关的科学家及学者积极尝试使用该教程作为教学工具。我相信在《The Plant Cell》杂志特刊编辑Mary Williams教授的带领下,该优异的教程会不断传承,并在更多年轻的植物学家的成长道路上给他(她)们带来无穷的帮助和裨益!

Oxford University Press to publish American Society of Plant Biologists journals

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the American Society of Plant Biologists’ Partnership with Oxford University Press The American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) is delighted to announce that it will partner with Oxford University Press (OUP) to produce and disseminate the ASPB journals Plant Physiology® and The Plant Cell beginning January 2021. The following question/answer pairs […]

Plant Direct Q&A with Judy Brusslan

What does your lab work on? My lab is interested in the regulation of leaf senescence (LS). As leaves sequentially age, they enter a regulated dismantling process that exports nutrients to growing and storage organs. Tell us about the key findings from your recent article in Plant Direct. We wanted to find genetic evidence that histone […]

ASPB and NAASC: “Changing Cultures and Climates” Initiative

By Asia Hightower, Edith Pierre-Jerome, and Imani Madison In light of historical and recent world events, ASPB and NAASC (North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee) are partnering to further equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives that are in alignment with the missions of both societies. In the coming weeks, a group of individuals affiliated with these […]