Entries by Mary Williams

Molecular insights into the complex mechanics of plant epidermal cell walls (Science)

Primary plant cell walls are made up of three types of polysaccharides: cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin, the orientations and interactions of which provide the cell wall with its properties. Here, Zhang et al. examined the outer wall of onion epidermal cells through atomic-force microscopy, stress-strain functional assays, and mesoscale coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CGMD). The models […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: May 28, 2021

Review. Under siege: virus control in plant meristems and progeny Perhaps, when our lives have been turned upside down by a human pathogenic virus, it’s easy to overlook the fact that plants too suffer from viral infections; but of course, they do. (And of course, famously, viruses were first discovered in plants). Although it is […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: May 14th, 2021

Review: Recent discoveries show novel sensors and regulation of reactive oxygen species Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are produced as metabolic byproducts and are vital participants in development and stress responses. However, ROS can be damaging, and are subcellularly localized to mitigate toxicity. Perception of pathogen attack leads to apoplastic ROS production through Respiratory Burst Oxidase […]

An evidence-based 3D reconstruction of Asteroxylon mackiei, the most complex plant preserved from the Rhynie chert (bioRxiv)

The Rhynie chert holds some of the oldest and best-preserved fossils of vascular plants (Rhynie is a village in north-east Scotland, and chert is a type of sedimentary rock). Analysis of thin section of fossils from here have provided the earliest cellular details of “rhizoid-based rooting systems, germinating spores and fossilised meristems.” But as Hetherington […]

SeedQuant: A deep learning-based tool for assessing stimulant and inhibitor activity on root parasitic seeds (Plant Physiol.)

Parasitic plants can completely wipe out a farmer’s harvest. The seeds can lie dormant in soil until they perceive signals from potential host plants, which stimulate germination. Therefore, germination stimulants applied to fields before the crops are planted can cause the parasitic seeds to germinate and die in the absence of their host. Many compounds […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: April 30th, 2021

Review: Ageing beautifully: can the benefits of seed priming be separated from a reduced lifespan trade-off? Seed priming is a family of presowing techniques that control water uptake in seeds, so they are dehydrated once metabolic activities have restarted but before the end of germination. Primed seeds have shown increased and more synchronized germination, especially […]

Plantae Presents: Julia Bailey-Serres and Rashmi Sasidharan

Plantae Presents: Julia Bailey-Serres and Rashmi Sasidharan “Life in the wet zone: how plants and two moms survive inundation” Recorded April 28  – 10am EDT, 3pm GMT, 4pm CET Julia Bailey-Serres Julia Bailey-Serres is a distinguished professor of genetics and the MacArthur Foundation chair at the University of California, Riverside. A native of California, she received […]