Entries by Mary Williams

Teff breeding potentials from data-driven, participatory characterization of farmer varieties (eLIFE)

There is a clear need to synergize advances from cutting-edge genomic approaches with the needs and knowledge of growers, particularly small-holder growers who have access to much of a crop’s genetic diversity. Here, Woldeyohannes, Iohannes et al. took a transdisciplinary approach to explore the breeding potential of teff (Eragrostis tef), a cereal crop widely grown […]

Removing systemic barriers to equity, diversity, and inclusion: Report of a 2019 workshop “Inclusivity in the Plant Sciences” (Plant Direct)

In January 2019, a workshop was convened to explore strategies to address inclusivity in the plant sciences, and the recommendations emerging from this workshop are presented in a new report by Henkhaus et al. The authors recognize that this is an expansive challenge and requires action on many fronts, which they group into four areas: […]

ABP1 (it’s back!) binds auxin and signals fast auxin responses (Nature)

One of the longstanding questions in plant biology concernes how auxin coordinates both gene expression in the nucleus and the so-called fast responses at the cell periphery including proton extrusion and cytoskeletal rearrangements. At this point the nuclear branch is well understood, but the cell periphery responses have proven to be be problematic. Fifty years […]

Two fern genome papers (Nature Plants)

The September 2022 issue of Nature Plants includes two papers describing the analysis of homosporous fern genomes. Ferns are interesting for many reasons including the diversity of the clade, their typically very large genomes, their often free-living gametophytes, and in many cases, homospory (a single type of spore), which is distinct from angiosperm’s heterospory (separate […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: September 9, 2022

Removing systemic barriers to equity, diversity, and inclusion: Report of the 2019 Plant Science Research Network workshop “Inclusivity in the Plant Sciences” In January 2019, a workshop was convened to explore strategies to address inclusivity in the plant sciences, and the recommendations emerging from this workshop are presented in a new report by Henkhaus et […]

Motivated by Passion: An Interview with Plant Physiology Monitoring Editor Prof. Tracy Lawson, PhD

By Alexandra J. Burgess, PhD, Plant Physiology Assistant Features Editor Tracy Lawson is a Professor of Plant Physiology in the Plant Productivity group and Director of Plant Phenotyping at the University of Essex (UK). She obtained her first degree in applied biology from Liverpool John Moores University (UK) and PhD from the University of Dundee […]

An experimental protocol for teaching CRISPR/Cas9 in a post-graduate plant laboratory course without sequencing (Biochem Mol Biol Educ) 

Experience is the best teacher, so hand-on learning is invaluable for students of biology. If you have the opportunity to teach with a laboratory course and haven’t yet incorporated a module that incorporates CRISR/Cas9, you’re in luck! Here, Mayta et al. share the design of the laboratory course they developed in which students design a […]

PeTriBERT : Augmenting BERT with tridimensional encoding for inverse protein folding and design (bioRxiv)

The AlphaFoldDB database recently made headlines by predicting the three-dimensional protein structure of millions of proteins based on their primary amino acid sequence. Most of these models remain to be tested, but it’s a place to start. Here, Dumortier et al. add an important complementary tool for improving our ability to correlate protein primary sequence […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: August 26, 2022

An experimental protocol for teaching CRISPR/Cas9 in a post-graduate plant laboratory course: An analysis of mutant-edited plants without sequencing Experience is the best teacher, so hand-on learning is invaluable for students of biology. If you have the opportunity to teach with a laboratory course and haven’t yet incorporated a module that incorporates CRISR/Cas9, you’re in […]