Entries by Mary Williams

Review. Fine-tuning timing: Natural variation informs the switch to flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana ($)

The transition from vegetative growth to a flower-producing reproductive state is highly regulated by environmental cues. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has a wide distribution throughout different habitats, so each accession has different adaptations strategies. One of the major factors that varies between accessions is the requirement and response to long periods of cold before […]

What We’re Reading: September 15th

Thanks for all the contributed paper summaries! If you’d like to summarize a paper for this series, contact Mary Williams ([email protected]). Special Issue of Current Biology “The Making of a Plant” Browsing the table of contents of the “The Making of a Plant” special issue of Current Biology feels like a birthday celebration; there are […]

4D root gene expression

It becomes more and more clear that regulation of complex traits and processes, such as root growth and lateral root growth, involves not only gene expression quality (which genes are expressed), quantity (how much transcript is present) and space (in which cell-type transcripts are accumulating) but also time plays an important role. Walker et al. […]

EIN2 mediates direct regulation of histone acetylation in the ethylene response

Perception of the phytohormone ethylene results in the cleavage of EIN2 and translocation to the nucleus of its C-terminal end, EIN2-C. Zhang et al. showed that EIN2-C is essential for chromatin modification that allows EIN3, the main ethylene signaling transcription factor, to transcriptionally regulate its target genes. The authors demonstrated that EIN2-C is a key […]

Frequent paramutation-like features of natural epialleles in tomato

Paramutation is a natural epigenetic process that occurs in plants and animals that is associated with methylation-mediated gene silencing. The curious thing about a paramutated allele is than it can transfer its silenced state to its homologous and active allele. This freshly paramutated allele then becomes silenced and acquires the ability to silence other active […]

Silencing phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase phosphorylation in a CAM plant

Many plants living in arid environments conserve water by taking up CO2 at night through the action of the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PPC); this process, which is widespread in the Crassulaceae family, is known as Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). The nocturnal activity of PPC is regulated post-transcriptionally through its phosphorylation by PPC kinase (PPCK). Boxall […]

Update: Plant Glandular Trichomes: Natural Cell Factories of High Biotechnological Interest

By Alexandre Huchelmann, Marc Boutry, and Charles Hachez Abstract Multicellular glandular trichomes are epidermal outgrowths characterized by the presence of a head made of cells that have the ability to secrete or store large quantities of specialized metabolites. Our understanding of the transcriptional control of glandular trichome initiation and development is still in its infancy. […]