Entries by Mary Williams

A new mechanism for plant immune pathways discovered by genetics

Source: Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology Published: 2018-07-05 http://www.cas.cn/syky/201807/t20180704_4657121.shtml (Translation by Google Translate) Plants sense the presence of pathogens through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs ) located on the surface of the cell membrane to activate the immune response. Among them, the MAPK cascade signal composed of MAPKKK, MAPKK and MAPK is a key component […]

The PILNCR1-miR399 regulatory module is important for low-phosphate tolerance in maize (Plant Physiol.)

Nearly ten years ago, microRNA 399 (miR399) was recognized as a regulator of phosphate (Pi) homeostasis. miR399 expression is induced upon low Pi conditions, and, in Arabidopsis, rice, soybean and barley, miR399 suppresses PHO2, a negative regulator of Pi uptake. Du, Wang, Zou et al. found that contrary to previous indications, PHO2 is also a […]

Bioinformatics core competencies for undergraduate life sciences education (PLOS One)

Undergraduate life science curricula need to incorporate training in bioinformatics. Wilson Sayres et al. surveyed 1260 faculty from across the US to identify their thoughts on what such training should involve. Not surprisingly, 95% of those surveyed agreed with the statement “I think bioinformatics should be integrated into undergraduate life sciences education.” The article defines […]

Capturing auxin response factors syntax using DNA binding models (bioRxiv)

Auxin Response Factors (ARFs) are transcription factors that bind to ARF binding sites (ARFbs) to mediate auxin responses. Stigliani et al. analzyed experimentally determined DNA interactions of two ARFs, the repressor ARF2 and the activator MP.  They found that the binding site data are best interpreted using a position weight matrix (PWM). Using this method, […]

Rapid and reversible root growth inhibition by TIR1 auxin signalling (Nature Plants)

Auxin mediates many of its effects through transcriptional changes via the well-known interaction between its co-receptors and transcriptional regulators (TIR1/AFB – Aux/IAA), but some auxin responses happen too quickly to be explained by transcriptional changes. Fendrych et al. demonstrate that root growth rate slows within 30 seconds of auxin application, and accelerates within 2 minutes […]

Of puzzles and pavements: a quantitative exploration of leaf epidermal cell shape (bioRxiv)

Arabidopsis plants have epidermal pavement cells (the cells that make up the bulk of the epidermis, other than guard cells or trichomes) that are often described as “jigsaw puzzle” shaped, and, because Arabidopsis is such a useful model organism, we have nice models for how these distinctive shapes are formed. However, are they ubiquitous? Vofely […]

What We’re Reading: July 6th

Review: Plasmodesmata- form and function ($) Plasmodesmata are cell-cell junctions forming cytosolic bridges between neighbouring plant cells that provide an essential avenue for intercellular communication during a multitude of developmental and stress-related responses throughout the plant kingdom. In a recent ‘at a glance’ mini-review article, Sager and Lee discuss our current knowledge on both the […]