Entries by Mary Williams

Chloroplast TOC/TIC protein translocon pore size ($) (Plant Cell)

Most of the proteins that function inside of mitochondria or chloroplasts are encoded in the nucleus, translated in the cytosol, and imported through one or two membrane-localized translocons. (In mitochondria the outer- and inner-membrane translocons are called TOM and TIM, and in chloroplasts they are TOC and TIC). Mitochondrial studies indicate that proteins are translocated […]

What We’re Reading: August 24th

Review: X-ray fluorescence microscopy imaging Kopittke et al. review the use of synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy as a tool to quantify and localize diverse elements in plants. The authors describe how this method can be used to study nutrients in plants and human foods, as well as metal hyperaccumulating plants, and toxic metal(oid) accumulation. Future […]

Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Aidi Zhang

Aidi Zhang, first author of Transcriptome analysis identifies a zinc finger protein regulating starch degradation in kiwifruit Current Position: PhD student in the Institute of Fruit Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Education: B.S. (2013) College of Horticulture Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, China. Non-scientific Interests: Table tennis, dancing, swimming and reading. Brief bio: […]

New Teaching Tool, “Small and mighty, peptide hormones in plant biology”

We’re excited to annouce the publication of The Plant Cell‘s latest Teaching Tool, “Small and mighty: Peptide hormones in plant biology,” by Sonali Roy, Peter Lundquist, Michael Udvardi, and Wolf-Rüdiger Scheible, available without subscription at Plantae.org. A phytohormone (plant hormone) is defined as a naturally occurring plant compound that acts as a signal molecule even at […]

Recognizing Plant Cell first authors: Anjil Kumar Srivastava

Anjil Kumar Srivastava, first author of SUMO Suppresses the Activity of the Jasmonic Acid Receptor CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Department of Biosciences, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom Education: Ph.D. in Botany from Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, India Non-scientific Interests: Cricket, tennis, reading newspapers and travelling Brief bio: I received my doctoral […]

Recognizing Plant Cell first authors: Rahul Bhosale

Rahul Arvind Bhosale, first author of A spatiotemporal DNA endoploidy map of the Arabidopsis root reveals roles for the endocycle in root development and stress adaptation Current Position: Research Fellow at Department of Plant Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK. Education: PhD in Biochemistry and Biotechnology, VIB-University of Ghent, Belgium. M.Sc. in Biotechnology, University of Pune, India. Non-scientific […]