Entries by Isabel Mendoza

REVIEW Cryobiotechnology of apple (Malus spp.) (Plant Cell Rep.) ($)

Apple  (Malus spp.) is an economically important tree that faces, like other crops cultured in temperate regions, remarkable challenges due to climate change such as abiotic (drought and salinity) and biotic (fungi, bacteria and aphids) stresses. For that, there is increasing need to preserve Malus genetic resources (wild and commercial varieties) with potentially valuable genes […]

Transcriptome mapping of tomato fruit development and ripening (Nature Comms)

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is today the main model to study fleshy fruit development. Until now, most tomato growth and ripening studies are focused on a single tissue, the pericarp, and do not take into consideration the development of internal tissues. Shinozaki et al. provide an extensive spatiotemporal transcriptome analysis, with 24,660 unique genes detected, of […]

NEWS Germany vs Elsevier: universities win temporary journal access after refusing to pay fees (Nature)

During 2017, a consortium of 200 German research institutions was in conversations with the publishing group Elsevier to achieve a collective deal for full online access to Elsevier journals. This deal would have granted them access to about 2.500 journals for half the market price.  After they could not reach an agreement by December 2017, […]

REVIEW In vitro propagation of bamboo species (Plant Cell Tissu Organ Cult) ($)

Bamboos are economically important plants, with versatile applications including use in construction, paper, textiles and food production and bioenergy uses among others. Traditional methods of plant propagation are revealed to be challenging in this plant. First, bamboo propagation through seeds could be problematic, due to short seed viability, massive consumption by small animals and genetic […]

Transcriptomic analysis of wound xylem formation in Pinus canariensis (BMC Plant Biol.)

Woody plants, given their usually long life span, typically must face during their life several injuries that could take as long as several years to heal.  In their work, Chano et al. use microarray analysis and RT-PCR to analyze the transcriptome changes that occurs during wood formation after a trauma in the conifer Pinus canariensis. Their results […]

Review. Plant cell wall-mediated immunity: cell wall changes trigger disease resistance responses

Plant cell walls have recently been revealed as an essential factor of plant environment monitoring system, much more than just a passive defensive barrier as previously thought. In a recent work, Bacete et al. have reviewed how changes to plant cell wall integrity affect disease resistance. More specifically, how the impairment of cellulose biosynthesis, the […]

Auxin synthesis contributes to virulence of Pseudomonas syringae (PLOS Pathogens)

Plant pathogens have developed a large range of strategies to allow them to have successful interactions with their plant host, including physiological manipulation. For example, Pseudomonas syringae, the cause of speck disease in many plant systems, manipulates the auxin phytohormone physiology in its plant hosts. McClerklin et al. showed that P. syringae pv. tomato strain […]

Cytokinin regulation in the endoplasmic reticulum (Plant Physiology)

Cytokinin is a phytohormone involved in many plant processes such as cell proliferation, apical dominance, leaf senescence, tissue patterning, organ initiation, environmental responses…  To allow for effective control of all these processes, cytokinin concentrations need to be continuously adjusted. 
 One such control mechanism is the irreversible degradation of cytokinin controlled by CKX (cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase) […]