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Ruiyang Wang: Plant Physiology First Author

Ruiyang Wang, first author of "Transcription factors GmERF1 and GmWRKY6 synergistically regulate low phosphorus tolerance in soybean" Current Position: Master candidate in Henan Agricultural University Education: Henan Agricultural University (Bachelor’s degree) Henan Agricultural University…

Feng Tao: Plant Physiology First Author

Feng Tao, first author of "Neofunctionalization of tandem duplicate genes encoding putative β-L-arabinofuranosidases in Arabidopsis" Current Position: Beijing Do.Care Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd, Product Manager Education: B.S. Lanzhou University M.S. University of Glasgow Ph.D.…

Shuyan Song: The Plant Cell First Author

Shuyan Song, first author of "The functional evolution of architecturally different plant geranyl diphosphate synthases from geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase"  Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow in State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology & ZJU‐Hangzhou…

Xin-Meng Zhu: Plant Physiology First Author

Xin-Meng, co-first author of "Symbiosis between Dendrobium catenatum protocorms and Serendipita indica involves the plant hypoxia response pathway" Current Position: Master at Yunnan University Education: Bachelor, Linyi University;Master, Yunnan University Non-scientific Interests: volleyball,…

Zhi-Xiong Xu: Plant Physiology First Author

Zhi-Xiong Xu, co-first author of "Symbiosis between Dendrobium catenatum protocorms and Serendipita indica involves the plant hypoxia response pathway" Current position: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Assistant engineer. Educational experience: 2018/9-2021/6,…

Tingting Bao: Plant Physiology First Author

Tingting Bao, first author of "Allelic Variation of Terpene Synthases Drives Terpene Diversity in the Wild Species of Freesia Genus" Current Position: Ph.D candidate from Key Laboratory of Molecular Epigenetics of MOE, Northeast Normal University, China Education: 2019-Now: Ph.D student,…

Yueying Liu: Plant Physiology First Author

Yueying Liu, first author of "Regulation of capsule spine formation in castor"  Current Position: Prof. Zhimin Zheng laboratory in State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding, Northeast Forestry University, a PhD student (Will graduate in June 2023) Education: Sep. 2017-June 2023:College…

Chengwei Song: Plant Physiology First Author

Chengwei Song, first author of “PagUNE12 encoding a basic_helix-loop-helix transcription factor regulates the development of secondary vascular tissue in poplar” Current Position: Henan University of Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Lecturer. Education: PhD Beijing Forestry…