Yueying Liu: Plant Physiology First Author

Yueying Liu, first author of “Regulation of capsule spine formation in castor” 

Current Position

Prof. Zhimin Zheng laboratory in State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding, Northeast Forestry University, a PhD student (Will graduate in June 2023)


Sep. 2017-June 2023:College of Life Science, Northeast Forestry University,a PhD student (Master and doctoral reading)

Sep. 2013-June 2017: College of Life Science, Hebei University,Bachelor of Science

Non-scientific InterestsPhotography, Reading, Travelling

Brief bio:

I joined Prof. Zhimin Zheng’s laboratory of Northeast Forestry University (State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding) in 2017 and master and doctoral reading. I worked on genetics and breeding on castor. My major research is genetic analysis on capsule spine phenotype in castor. Further, I engaged in CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology of white birch (Betula platyphylla Suk.). Interested in research fields, such as molecular genetics and breeding, plant cell differentiation, gene editing and small RNA. To date, several studies have been published in journals such as Plant Physiology, Frontiers in Plant Science, and research related to CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, which I participated in as a co first author, is currently being submitted.

In this study, we used a map- and sequencing-based cloning strategy to identify RcMYB106 as a causative gene likely responsible for differences in the spine phenotypes of castor capsules and identified its function. Then we detected the downstream target gene RcWIN1. Results of biochemical experiment illustrated that RcMYB106 could positively activate RcWIN1 expression. This further explains the regulatory networks that could underlie spine formation on castor capsules. RcMYB106 therefore likely represents the first gene to be successfully cloned in castor using this kind of mapping strategy, which could also provide a way to further study important traits and their causative genes in other non-model plants. At the same time, it also revealed the regulatory pathway for castor spine phenotype, and further provided a novel idea for castor breeding.

论文:Regulation of capsule spine formation in castor








我于2017年加入东北林业大学林郑志民教授团队(林木遗传育种国家重点实验室),在本实验室硕博连读,从事蓖麻遗传育种相关工作,期间主要对蓖麻蒴果果刺表型进行遗传分析,还从事林木白桦CRISPR-Cas9基因编辑技术相关工作,对植物分子遗传育种、植物细胞分化、基因编辑和小分子RNA等研究领域感兴趣。至今已在Plant PhysiologyFrontiers in Plant Science等期刊发表多篇研究,目前以共同第一作者身份参与的CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑相关研究正在投稿中。
