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Peng Huang: Plant Physiology First Author

Peng Huang, first author of "Cytokinins Regulate Rice Lamina Joint Development and Leaf Angle"  Current Position: Assistant Professor, College of Life Science and Chemistry, Zhejiang Normal University Education: Ph.D. in Crop Genetics and Breeding from the Nanjing Agricultural University (China),…

Yang Yang: The Plant Cell First Author

Yang Yang, co-first author of “Multiple cyclic nucleotide-gated channels function as ABA-activated Ca2+ channels required for ABA-induced stomata closure in Arabidopsis” Current Position: Ph.D. candidate at CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Science (CEMPS) and University of Chinese…

Yan-Qiu Tan: The Plant Cell First Author

Yan-Qiu Tan, co-first author of “ Multiple cyclic nucleotide-gated channels function as ABA-activated Ca2+ channels required for ABA-induced stomata closure in Arabidopsis.” Current Position: Research assistant Education:  Ph.D. in Botany from CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant…

Yishan Feng: Plant Physiology First Author

Yishan Feng, co-first author of “A common whole-genome paleotetraploidization in Cucurbitales” Current Position: Master degree candidate, School of Life Sciences, North China University of Science and Technology (NCST), Tangshan, Hebei, China Education: B.S. in bioinformatics, NCST Non-scientific…

Yan Zhang: Plant Physiology First Author

Yan Zhang, co-first author of “A common whole-genome paleotetraploidization in Cucurbitales” Current Position: Master degree candidate, School of Life Sciences, North China University of Science and Technology (NCST), Tangshan, Hebei, China Education: B.S. in bioinformatics, NCST Non-scientific…

Min Yuan: Plant Physiology First Author

Min Yuan, co-first author of “A common whole-genome paleotetraploidization in Cucurbitales” Current Position: Associate professor, School of Life Sciences, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan, Hebei, China Education: Ph.D. at Hebei Normal University in China Non-scientific…

Jiaqi Wang: Plant Physiology First Author

Jiaqi Wang, first author of “A common whole-genome paleotetraploidization in Cucurbitales” Current Position: Master degree candidate, School of Life Sciences, North China University of Science and Technology (NCST), Tangshan, Hebei, China Education: B.S. in Bioinformatics, NCST Non-scientific…

Chia-Nan Tao: The Plant Cell First Author

Chia-Nan Tao, first author of "A single amino acid transporter controls the uptake of priming-inducing beta-amino acids and the associated trade-off between induced resistance and plant growth" Current Position: PhD student at School of Biosciences, The University of Sheffield Education: Master…