Jiaqi Wang: Plant Physiology First Author

Jiaqi Wang, first author of “A common whole-genome paleotetraploidization in Cucurbitales”

Current Position: Master degree candidate, School of Life Sciences, North China University of Science and Technology (NCST), Tangshan, Hebei, China

Education: B.S. in Bioinformatics, NCST

Non-scientific Interests: Music, Animation, Walking

Brief bio: I got my B.S. degree in Bioinformatics at the NCST in 2022, and my advisor was associate Prof. Jinpeng Wang. In the same year, I entered associate Prof. Wang’s lab to pursue my M.S. degree in NCST. My main research interests are plant genomics and bioinformatics, with special attention to plant genome polyploidy and evolution.

论文: A common whole-genome paleotetraploidization in Cucurbitales



教育经历:  2018/09-2022/06,华北理工大学,生物信息学专业,理学学士学位

非科研爱好:  音乐、动漫、徒步

