Priyanka Paul: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Priyanka Paul, first author of "The MADS-domain factor AGAMOUS-Like18 promotes somatic embryogenesis"
Current Position: Postdoctoral scholar in Kentucky Tobacco Research and Development Centre at the University of Kentucky, USA.
Education: PhD in Integrated Plant and Soil Sciences at the University…
Plant Physiology Webinar: Highlighting Focus Issue on Transport and Signaling
Blog, Plantae Presents, Plantae WebinarsMembrane transport is essential for nutrition and cellular homeostasis, it plays key roles in signaling and development, and it is a vital component of responses to biotic and abiotic stress. The December 2021 Plant Physiology Focus Issue highlights recent advances in our understanding of the molecular…
COMPASS functions as a module of the INO80 complex
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellShang et al. explore the function of a chromatin-remodeling complex in the regulation of gene expression. Plant Cell.
By Ji-Yun Shang and Xin-Jian He
Background: In eukaryotic cells, the INO80 chromatin remodeling complex uses energy derived from ATP hydrolysis…
Zunyang Song: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Zunyang Song, first author of "F-box protein EBF1 and transcription factor ABI5-like regulate banana fruit chilling-induced ripening disorder"
Current Position: Postdoctor (South China Agricultural University)
Education:Bachelor and Master (Shandong Agricultural University)
Doctor(South China…
Toshisangba Longkumer: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Toshisangba Longkumer, first author of "Spatial differences in stoichiometry of EGR phosphatase and Microtubule-Associated Stress Protein 1 control root meristem activity during drought stress"
Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher at Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica,…
Britta Kümpers: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Britta Kümpers, first author of "Dual expression anatomy lines (DEAL) allow simultaneous visualization of gene expression and anatomy"
Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Exeter
PhD in Plant Sciences at the University of Cambridge,
MSc in Biodiversity…
Engineering a wheat spike
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellLi et al. investigated genes regulating wheat spike development and found that SQUAMOSA and SVP genes control the development of normal spikes. Plant Cell.
By Jorge Dubcovsky, Kun Li and Juan Manuel Debernardi, University of California, Davis, CA, USA
Ping Chang: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Ping Chang, first author of "The U1 snRNP component RBP45d regulates temperature-responsive flowering in Arabidopsis"
Current Position: PhD student in Taiwan International Graduate Program at the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Education: BS in Biotechnology Science…
Liangbo Fu: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Liangbo Fu, first author of "Vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase HVP10 enhances salt tolerance via promoting Na+ translocation into root vacuoles"
Current Position: Postdoctor, Institute of Crop Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P.R.China
Education: 2015/09-2020/06, PhD in Crop Science, Zhejiang…