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Plant Science Research Weekly: May 29th

Review: The bHLH network underlying plant shade-avoidance Shade avoidance is a complex phenomenon in which plants avoid shade by altering their developmental program in various ways including early flowering, hypocotyl elongation, and more. Many photoreceptors and transcription factors (TFs) are involved…

Journey with the ASPP/ASPB

Guest Post by By Jane Shen-Miller, University of California, Los Angeles am grateful to have received the 2018 ASPB Charles-Reid-Barnes Award (CRBA). When President Henry Klee presented me the plaque I wanted to cheer. President Rob Last has now given me that chance. The first President of the…

Into the Second Century: ASPB 2024

Rob Last's Fourth ASPB President's Letter This continues the mini tradition of publishing the President’s Letter as part of a collection of essays and other resources related to the topic ( Please also have a look at the previous two collections on member security…