Malate Transport and Apple Tartness
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: On The InsideAcidity is a major contributor to apple (Malus domestica) fruit quality, including fruit overall taste and flavor. Organic acids collectively are responsible for acidity, but malic acid accounts for more than 90% of the total acid and largely controls apple fruit acidity. Most of the malic acid in apple…
Recognizing Plant Cell authors: Ho Won Jung
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesHo Won Jung, first author of Pathogen-associated Molecular Pattern-triggered Immunity Involves Proteolytic Degradation of Core Nonsense-mediated mRNA Decay Factors During the Early Defense Response
Current Position: Associate Professor at Dong-A University, Korea
Education: Ph.D. and Master of Science…
How to Make a LAZY Plant Weep
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: On The InsideThe LAZY gene family, discovered through the characterization of a rice (Oryza sativa) mutant with unusually wide tiller angles, encodes proteins that function in gravitropism. Gravitropism begins with a perception process that ultimately causes a difference in the cell elongation rate across the…
Variation in xylem resistance to cavitation explains why some leaves within a canopy are more likely to die under water stress
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: News and Views, ResearchMeisha Holloway-Phillips
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel, Switzerland
[email protected]
When trees are subjected to soil water deficits, some leaves and branches show signs of stress or die before others in the canopy. Why is that? Here I highlight recent…
Press Release (Chinese) for IbBBX24 Promotes the Jasmonic Acid Pathway and Enhances Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Sweet Potato
Research, The Plant Cell: NewsPlant cell∣中国农大何绍贞、刘庆昌教授课题组在甘薯蔓割病抗性机理研究中取得突破性进展
近日,国际著名植物学期刊The Plant Cell在线发表了中国农业大学农学院、农业农村部甘薯生物学与生物技术重点实验室何绍贞/刘庆昌教授课题组题为“IbBBX24…
A Key Regulator of Post-Golgi Vesicular Traffic
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In a NutshellRen et al. identify a downstream effector of Rab5a that associates with the tethering and fusion complexes to mediate membrane fusion of dense vesicles with the protein storage vacuoles.
Plant Cell
By Y.L. Ren, Y.H. Wang and T. Pan
Background: Plants use…
Review: In vitro analytical approaches to study plant ligand-receptor interactions (Plant Physiol)
Plant Science Research WeeklyIt seems every other paper shows a nice diagram of a signaling cascade that includes a receptor interacting with its ligand. However, sometimes these diagrams are little more than speculation or guesswork. It’s not always easy to figure out if this interaction is real. Here, Sandoval and Santiago review…
Review: Evolution of plant hormone response pathways ($) (Annu. Rev. Plant Biol.)
Plant Science Research WeeklySpatio-temporal action of hormones is essential for proper growth and development of plants. In this review, Blázquez et al. discuss the evolution of the shared features of signaling pathways of different plant hormones. Auxin, jasmonic acid, gibberellic acid, and strigolactone signaling pathways…
Review: Targeting root ion uptake kinetics to increase plant productivity and nutrient use efficiency (Plant Physiol.)
Plant Science Research WeeklyRoots anchor plants and take up water, but one of their most important and complex functions is to bring a large number of different essential nutrients into the plant. Root architecture affects and is affected by nutrient uptake, but ultimately uptake is largely controlled by membrane-bound ion transporters.…