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How to Make a LAZY Plant Weep

The LAZY gene family, discovered through the characterization of a rice (Oryza sativa) mutant with unusually wide tiller angles, encodes proteins that function in gravitropism.  Gravitropism begins with a perception process that ultimately causes a difference in the cell elongation rate across the…

Press Release (Chinese) for IbBBX24 Promotes the Jasmonic Acid Pathway and Enhances Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Sweet Potato

Plant cell∣中国农大何绍贞、刘庆昌教授课题组在甘薯蔓割病抗性机理研究中取得突破性进展 近日,国际著名植物学期刊The Plant Cell在线发表了中国农业大学农学院、农业农村部甘薯生物学与生物技术重点实验室何绍贞/刘庆昌教授课题组题为“IbBBX24…