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The two-body problem - Perspectives of an early career researcher

Guest Post by Gaurav Moghe The two-body problem has been a classical mechanics problem in physics since at least Newtonian times. However, the first suggestion of Google’s autocomplete feature is “two-body problem academia”, with at least the first 90+ results being very relevant to the topic.…

Diverse plants, diversity in botany

Guest post by Paul Sokoloff, Senior Research Assistant, Botany, Canadian Museum of Nature Astragalus, the milkvetch genus, is a massive group of plants in the pea family that has diversified into over 3000 species, which can be found in various habitats across the northern hemisphere.  Its also a…

What if Plant Scientists were as Diverse as the Plants we Study?

Guest post by Jennifer Nemhauser & Elizabeth Haswell This spring, in collaboration with Joanna Friesner, we launched DiversifyPlantSci (1), an on-line directory of self-nominated plant scientists who share identity with groups that are currently minoritized in STEM fields. Membership now exceeds…