Molecular signals for regeneration ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research0 Comments
Every gardener knows that pulling off a shoot is not sufficient to kill a plant. Plants are able to reprogram cells in order to regenerate missing tissues. Pulling off a shoot removes photosynthetic tissues, but the root responds by activating chloroplasts to take over this role. Kobayashi et al. (Plant…
A novel chemical inhibitor of ABA signaling targets all ABA receptors
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchChemical genetics is an approach that enables small molecules with specific effects on phenotypes to be identified. Through a screen for small molecules that would reverse the inhibitory effect of ABA on seed germination, Ye et al. identified AA1 (ABA Antagonist 1). AA1 interferes with the interaction…
Review: Winter and summer dormancy: similar adaptive strategies?
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchDormancy (growth arrest) is a state by which seeds and plants can survive harsh conditions. Seasonal dormancy is a strategy to survive seasonally unfavorable conditions. Plants can display winter and summer dormancy. Although woody species are the main study systems for winter dormancy, herbaceous species…
Review: Nitrogen sensing in plants ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchLike other organisms, plants have developed mechanisms to sense and respond to changes in the availability of nutrients. Nitrogen (N), being very essential for the growth and development of plants, must also be strongly monitored by plants. N sensing and signaling in plants are highly researched topics,…
Review: Stomatal development in time: the past and the future ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchStomata, epidermal pores for gas exchange, first appeared about 400 million years ago. Since then, there has been functional and structural diversification. Qu et al. synthesize the developmental genetics underpinning diverse stomata, spanning from bryophytes through monocots and the astomatous (without…
Meeting Review: Auxin 2016 ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchVernoux and Robert discuss research presented at the Auxin 2016 meeting, held in October 2016 on the island of Hainan, China. The result is a nice review of very current research, spanning auxin metabolism and signaling, the role of auxin in development, interactions between auxin and other signals,…
Reviews: Challenges in bacterial molecular plant pathology
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchMolecular Plant Pathology has released a new series of free reviews on “Challenges in Bacterial Molecular Plant Pathology.” Topics so far:
Morris et al. Frontiers for research on the ecology of plant-pathogenic bacteria: fundamentals for sustainability 1111/mpp.12508
Pfeilmeier et al. Bacterial…
Careers in Plant Pathology
Careerpaths, Careers in Plant Science, Profiles of Plant ScientistsThe British Society for Plant Pathology (BSPP) has created a set of profiles of people with careers in plant pathology.
Some are available as webpages and others as PDFs.
A few examples:
Molecular Plant Virologist Katherine A. Steele
Plant Disease Advisor Fiona Burnett
Professor of Plant…
Reviews: Challenges in bacterial molecular plant pathology
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchMolecular Plant Pathology has released a new series of free reviews on “Challenges in Bacterial Molecular Plant Pathology.” Topics so far:
Morris et al. Frontiers for research on the ecology of plant-pathogenic bacteria: fundamentals for sustainability 1111/mpp.12508
Pfeilmeier et al. Bacterial…