Visit us at PAG2020: ASPB, journals, and writing first aid

ASPB, The Plant Cell, Plant Physiology and Plant Direct will be attending PAG2020 (Plant and Animal Genome) in San Diego this coming January 11-15. Come by our booth to learn more about our journals, our educational and digital programs, and the benefits of ASPB membership.

Also, you can take the opportunity to meet Ivan Baxter, Editor-in-Chief of Plant Direct, and Blake Meyers, the new Editor-in-Chief of The Plant Cell. Blake will share plans for his upcoming focus issue, “Insights from Plant Genomes”.

Mary Williams (Features Editor, The Plant Cell) is offering 20-minute, one-on-one ‘writing first aid’ meetings to be held at the booth. Sign up for a time slot and bring along your abstract, a draft of a paper, or even your CV for feedback.

If you are attending the Plant and Animal Genome 2020 meeting in San Diego and you would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting to get some advice about your writing, email Mary Williams at, subject line PAG booth.