The cytokinin trans-Zeatin plays a role in long distance nitrogen signaling ($) (Plant Cell)

Plants modify gene expression and physiological processes to overcome temporal and spatial variations in nitrogen availability. These modifications rely on complex root-shoot-root signaling networks which are triggered by cytokinin biosynthesis. Poitout and colleagues use mutant analysis, transcriptome analysis and hormone profiling to understand complex long distance nitrogen signaling networks in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the shoots, the active form of the cytokinin trans-Zeatin plays a role in the integration of rapid gene regulation and long-term acclimation to heterogenous NO3 supply.  Additionally, glutamate/glutamine metabolism seems to be a target of trans-Zeatin root-to-shoot translocation. There are also trans-Zeatin-independent pathways that regulate shoot gene expression and NO3 uptake. This paper elucidates the role of cytokinins in nitrogen signaling and aids to integrate nitrogen-related long distance signaling networks. (Summary by Julia Miller) Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.18.00011 [altmetric doi=”10.1105/tpc.18.00011″ details=”right” float=”right”]