P-HYDROXYPHENYLPYRUVATE DIOXYGENASE from Medicago sativa Is Involved in Vitamin E Biosynthesis and Abscisic Acid-Mediated Seed Germination (OA)
Plant Science Research WeeklySci. Rep. Vitamin E has been shown to scavenge singlet oxygen, reduce lipid oxidation by-products and inhibit lipid peroxidation, thereby helping plant defenses against various stresses.
In this study, the authors identified MsHPPD as a key gene for vitamin E biosynthesis in alfalfa – an important…

Folate Biofortification of Potato by Tuber-Specific Expression of Four Folate Biosynthesis Genes ($)
Plant Science Research WeeklyMol. Plant Deficiency in Vitamin B9 (folate) is one of the major causes of birth defects and maternal deaths. As potato is a staple crop for several populations worldwide, one strategy to reduce the risks of folate deficiency is the biofortification of potato. This would be extremely useful, as the…

The Arabidopsis Thiamin‐Deficient Mutant pale green1 Lacks Thiamin Monophosphate Phosphatase of the Vitamin B1 Biosynthesis Pathway ($)
Plant Science Research WeeklyPlant J. Plants have the capacity of building several vitamin compounds that animals must uptake with their diet instead. Some of these pathways, such as the B1 pathway, are extremely complex and still not completely elucidated.
The At5g32470 gene was identified as a new thiamine monophosphate (TMP)…

Review: Toward Eradication of B-Vitamin Deficiencies: Considerations for Crop Biofortification (OA)
Plant Science Research WeeklyFront. Plant. Sci. Micronutrient malnutrition (or “hidden hunger”) is estimated to concern one fourth of the human population worldwide and its main victims are children and pregnant women. This review summarizes the biosynthetic pathways, the role in plant physiology and the recent efforts of the…

The Manipulation of Gene Expression and the Biosynthesis of Vitamin C, E and Folate in Light-and Dark-Germination of Sweet Corn Seeds (OA)
Plant Science Research WeeklySci. Rep. There is an increasing body of evidence suggesting that the vitamin content of cereal sprouts is higher than the one of cereal kernels. For example, it was recently shown that niacin, riboflavin and ascorbic acid accumulate during sweet corn sprouting. Liu and colleagues went further by measuring…

Impact of Conventional and Integrated Management Systems on the Water-Soluble Vitamin Content in Potatoes, Field Beans, and Cereals ($)
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchJ. Agric. Food Chem. Agriculture in the EU is shifting towards a more sustainable use of resources and preservation of the biodiversity. This process requires a careful assessment of the balance between economic and environmental demands. To achieve this goal, the James Hutton Institute set up a long-term…

Review: Medicine Is not Health Care, Food Is Health Care: Plant Metabolic Engineering, Diet and Human Health (OA)
Plant Science Research WeeklyNew Phytol. One of the consequences of the green revolution has been the increasing dependence on few staple crops, which provide calories but often lack the right amount of micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. The consequences are collectively called “hidden hunger” and concern not only…