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Review: Root development and symbiosis: an epigenetic perspective

Roots do not grow in isolation but occupy a space inhabited by a variety of organisms. With certain fungi and bacteria, they form partnerships or symbiotic relationships that increase the plant’s nutrient uptake and assimilation. While the knowledge on the genetic programs required to establish these…

Variegated Canvases: The Diverse World of Plant Shoot Stem Cells

Bradamante et al. investigate the heterogeneity of stem cells of the shoot apical meristem By Vu Nguyen, Gabriele Bradamante, Ortrun Mittelsten Scheid and Ruben Gutzat Background: In plants, stem cells in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) produce new organs…

Review. From stressed to success: Unveiling the secret memory of gymnosperms

Epigenetic stress memory in gymnosperms is the topic of a new review by Fossdal et al. Gymnosperms are long-lived, cone-bearing, tough trees, known to tolerate episodic stress. Their adaptive traits to stress are not passed on in a straightforward way, conforming to classical Mendelian inheritance. Instead,…

Arabidopsis long non-coding RNAs: an orchestrated hubbub

Kornienko  et al. discover that Arabidopsis genome is full of long-non-coding RNAs that show their expression only in specific tissues and plants from different geographic origins because of differences in epigenetic silencing of these genes. Plant Cell - By Aleksandra…

All in good time: Timing gene activation during early flower development

Pelayo et al. explore the function of a biological timer that activates key genes for flowering. Margaret Anne Pelayo, Nara Institute of Science and Technology Background: For flowers to form, the floral meristem (floral stem cells) must irreversibly commit…

Boosting plant disease resistance through epigenetics

Increasing plant resistance to specific pathogens through genome editing is a very active branch of crop engineering. In a recent paper, Veley et al. propose to edit the epigenome to boost resistance to cassava bacterial blight by increasing the levels of DNA methylation at specific sites, while leaving…

Arabidopsis CHROMATIN REMODELING 19 acts as a transcriptional repressor and contributes to plant pathogen resistance (Plant Cell)

Chromatin remodellers are highly conserved eukaryotic proteins with regulatory roles in various aspects of DNA metabolism including DNA repair, gene expression and mitosis. Here, Kang et al. examine the function of the CHROMATIN REMODELLING19 (CHR19) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Using two T-DNA insertion…
Headshot of Thelma Madzima. In the background are a series of pipette tip boxes and a mini vortexer.

URM Plant Scientist Highlights - Thelma Madzima (she/her)

Dr. Thelma Madzima (she/her) is one of very few Black faculty in the USA who are plant molecular biologists. Originally from Zimbabwe, Thelma immigrated to the US at the age of 17 to attend college. She received her B.S. in Plant Science and Plant Biotechnology from Fort Valley State University, a historically…

Potential evidence for transgenerational epigenetic memory in Arabidopsis thaliana following spaceflight (Commun. Biol.)

Transgenerational memory can occur through epigenetic regulation of gene expression (for example through DNA methylation) when plants have been exposed to abiotic stresses. Transferring a specific biochemical adaption to the next generation of plants can help the plant counter stress. Here Xu et al.…