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A novel metabolite confers salt tolerance to Arabidopsis from Cape Verde Islands

Rising sea levels and increasing salt accumulation in irrigated soils are threatening food production globally. There is a lot to be learned from plants that have evolved tolerance to salt. In this new preprint, Martínez-Rivas et al. explored the mechanism of salt tolerance the Cvi-0 accession of Arabidopsis…

Genomic regions of durum wheat involved in water productivity

Drought stress is a major problem and can cause large reductions in yield. Water productivity is the amount of yield per unit of water used, hence a higher water productivity is associated with more drought tolerance. Here, Zaïm et al. discovered three genomic loci associated with increased water productivity…

Extensive genome study to boost yield and improve agronomic traits in chickpea (Nature)

In recent years, there has been increasing awareness about the environmental impact of animal-based protein sources. Legumes such as chickpea (Cicer arientinum) are relatively cheap and sustainable sources of proteins, dietary fibres and micronutrients. Although there is a vast chickpea germplasm collection,…

Review: Root plasticity under abiotic stress (Plant Physiol.)

For millennia, humans have selected desirable traits in the above-ground part of plants, but below-ground traits have been only indirectly selected for. Thus, roots are ripe for optimization, and hold particular promise in efforts to make crops more resilient and efficient. This Update, by Karlova et…