Recognizing Plant Physiology authors: Marcus Griffiths

Marcus Griffiths, first author of Targeting root uptake kinetics to increase plant productivity and nutrient use efficiency

Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow in the Root Phenomics lab headed by Dr. Larry York, Noble Research Institute, US

Education: PhD in Plant & Crop Sciences at University of Nottingham, UK. MSc in Molecular Biotechnology at University of Birmingham, UK. BSc Biology at University of Worcester, UK

Non-scientific Interests: music, swimming, hockey, technology, travelling

Brief bio: I am a postdoctoral fellow working on root functional phenomics. Utilizing phenotyping systems and image analysis is an exciting area to work in as it enables reproducible and high-throughput plant research. Before moving to the US, my interest in this field took shape with my PhD project at the University of Nottingham. Under the supervision of Dr. Darren M Wells and Prof. Malcolm J Bennett, I used hydroponics and X-ray CT to phenotype root system architecture responses to nitrogen in wheat. My current position is at the Noble Research Institute under the direction of Dr. Larry M York. I am working on a system to phenotype multiple ion uptake kinetics in maize. The goal of my research is to understand the mechanisms behind nutrient uptake and identify targets to facilitate breeding efforts for improved nutrient acquisition.


姓名:Marcus Griffiths

职位:美国Noble研究所Dr. Larry York的根型态实验室博士后

学历: 英国诺丁汉大学植物与作物科学博士




简历:主要从事根系功能生态研究即通过型态系统及成像分析对植物进行高效研究。在英国诺丁汉大学攻读博士,从师于Dr. Darren M Wells和Prof. Malcolm J Bennett。博士项目是用水培法和X-射线CT研究氮对小麦表型根系构型的影响。目前在美国Noble研究所,Dr. Larry M York实验室,主要是系统表型分析研究玉米离子吸收动力学。研究目标是揭示营养摄取的机理,进而通过育种改善植物营养的吸取。