Plant Physiology Spotlights April 2024 First Authors

Behind the Plant Physiology manuscripts are researchers, professors, professionals and students dedicated to advancing the field of plant science. You’ve seen our First Authors on Twitter and Facebook— now, read more about why they chose to pursue plant sciences and click on the links below the pictures to read their articles.

Huimin Jia

Huimin Jia (She) is the First Author of published Key transcription factors regulate fruit ripening and metabolite accumulation in tomato published 02 April 2024.

Jia is a Associate Professor at Jiangxi Agricultural University. Education background includes a 2016 Ph.D Pomology at Zhejiang University and a 2011 BSc Agriculture in Horticulture at Northeast Agricultural University. Research interests include fruit genome, metabolism, and fruit quality. Personal interests include Running, Playing badminton.

“Plants play a crucial role in the Earth’s biosphere. Fruit trees are not only a source of nutritious food for humans, but they also enhance the beauty of our surroundings. The study of fruit development enables us to gain a deeper understanding of the process of fruit maturation. We expect that as the fruit ripens, it will become more delicious and nutritious.”

Ranran Zhang

Ranran Zhang (she/her) is the First Author of Arabidopsis Fhit-like Tumor Suppressor Resumes Early Terminated constitutive ethylene response1-10 mRNA Translation published 02 April 2024. Zhang is a Senior R&D Engineer and Yantein Bioengineering Co., Ltd.

Education background includes 2021 Ph.D (Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) and 2015 BEng (Henan Agriculture University, China). Research interests include Plant evolution and physiology. Personal interests include Pop music, language learning and hiking.

“I have been addicted to the natural environment, especially different kinds of cute flowers since I was a little kid. The colors and refreshing scent of them always make me delighted no matter if I am happy or upset. On the other hand, many plants are traditional Chinese herbal medicine, which can be used to alleviate patients‘ sufferings. These features of plants are so charming and leads me to explore more about micro world of plants.“

Wei Zhang

Wei Zhang(she/her) is the First Author of Arabidopsis Fhit-like Tumor Suppressor Resumes Early Terminated constitutive ethylene response1-10 mRNA Translation published 02 April 2024. Zhang is a Product Manager, Director of Research at Wuhan Ammunition Life-tech Co.,Ltd. Education background includes 2006.9-2010.6 Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctor of botany 2002.9-2005.7 Central China Normal University, Master of microbiology, hydrobiology 1998.9-2002.7 Central China Normal University, Bachelor of Biochemistry.

Research interests include plant hormone signaling transduction, plant development. Personal interests include reading, traveling, riding a bicycle.

“Plants have thrived and evolved on Earth for billions of years, making the earth suitable for human survival and development. As human beings, we can better adapt to the harmonious life on earth through the study of plants.”

Yanyan Yan 

Yanyan Yan (she/her) is the First Author of Photosynthetic capacity and assimilate transport of the lower canopy influence maize yield under high planting density published 09 April 2024.

Yan is a Student and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Education background includes a 2018 Ph.D Crop Cultivation and Farming at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; 2014 MSc Crop Cultivation and Farming at Nanjing Agricultural University; 2010 BSc Agronomy at Nanjing Agricultural University.

Research interests include Plant photosynthesis. Personal interests include Cooking.

“I think plants are great and magical, with super vitality, and plant science is the “language” of dialogue with plants.”

Shenhua Ye

Shenhua Ye is the First Author of BnaABF3 and BnaMYB44 regulate the transcription of zeaxanthin epoxidase genes in carotenoid and abscisic acid biosynthesis published 15 April 2024.Ye is a Lecturer at Zhejiang Agriculture & Forestry University.

Education background includes a 2019 Ph.D Huazhong Agricultural University. Research interests include Flower color, Abiotic stress. Personal interests include Photography.

“In 2017, I started my research under the supervision of Professor Tingdong Fu and Associate Professor Jing Wen in the Huazhong Agricultural University. During my postgraduate period, I mainly studied the molecular mechanism of flower color formation in Brassica napus and the regulatory pathway of carotenoid biosynthesis.”

Maite Saura Sanchez 

Maite Saura Sanchez (she/her) is the First Author of B-Box transcription factor BBX28 requires CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENESIS1 to induce shade-avoidance response in Arabidopsis thaliana published 15 April 2024.

She is a Postdoctoral fellow at VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology. Education background includes: 2020 Ph.D in Biology at Universidad de Buenos Aires 2019 MSc in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics UOC/UB 2015 MsC in in Plant Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia 2013 BSc in Biotechnology at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Research interests include scRNA-seq, de novo organogenesis, root development, plant-biotic interaction. Personal interests include Sewing, cats.

“I am amazed by the great diversity of plants, and how they interact in infinite ways with other organisms and with the environment.“

Lingyu Ma

Lingyu Ma (she) is the First Author of 3D reconstruction and multi-omics analysis reveal a unique pattern of embryogenesis in Ginkgo biloba published 17 April 2024. Ma is a Assistant Professor at Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry.

Education background includes a  2021 Ph.D Plant Cell Biology at Beijing Forestry University; 2017 MSc in Botany at Henan Normal University; 2014 BSc Biotechnology at Xinyang Normal University. Research interests include Plant cell biology, Wood formation. Personal interests include Traveling.

“I was fortunate enough to join Professor Jinxing Lin’s team in 2017. Professor Lin has been helping and encouraging me for my research work.”

Zhana Chagan 

Zhana Chagan is the First Author of BRZ-INSENSITIVE-LONG HYPOCOTYL8 inhibits kinase-mediated phosphorylation to regulate brassinosteroid signaling  published 18 April 2024.

Chagan is a Ph.D. student at Kyoto University. Education background includes a 2020 MSc in Biotechnology at The University of Tokyo. Research interests include plant hormone, nutrient uptake and signaling, environmental stress.

Personal interests include Language learning, basketball, acoustic guitar.

“It is fascinating to explore the complex mechanisms by which plants adapt to their environment. Furthermore, studying plants has a far-reaching impact on the world, including in agriculture, medicine, and mitigating climate change.”

Jinbao Gu

Jinbao Gu (he/his) is the First Author of RNA splicing modulates the postharvest physiological deterioration of cassava storage root published 18 April 2024.

He is at the Institute of Nanfan&Seed Industry, Guangdong Academy of Sciences. Education background includes a 2020 Ph.D Hefei University of Technology. Research interests include Abiotic stress, Alternative splicing. Personal interests include Reading.

“Zhen-yu Wang and Shuqing Cao mentor me in my research.”


Ma Xiaowen 

Ma Xiaowen is the First Author of RNA splicing modulates the postharvest physiological deterioration of cassava storage root published 18 April 2024.

Xiaowen is a Young Researcher at Guangdong Laboratory of Lingnan Modern Agriculture. Education background includes: 2016: Ph.D. in Agricultural Biotechnology, Hainan University 2013: Master’s Degree in Crop Genetics and Breeding, Hainan University 2009: Bachelor of Agriculture, Longdong University.

Research interests include Abiotic stress. Personal interests include reading,watching movies.

“My interest in plant science began while studying Agriculture at Longdong University, captivated by the complex interactions within ecosystems. I love plant science for its potential to revolutionize sustainable agriculture, driven by my studies in Crop Genetics and Agricultural Biotechnology at Hainan University. My mentor at Hainan University, a pioneer in plant systems research, inspires me daily, guiding my journey to contribute meaningful solutions in agriculture.”

Qiuxiang Ma

Qiuxiang Ma (She/her) is the First Author of RNA splicing modulates the postharvest physiological deterioration of cassava storage root published 18 April 2024.

She is a Associate professor at CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences. Education background includes 2017 Ph.D University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; 2007 MSc Nanjing Agricultural University; and 2002 BSc Ludong University. Research interests include Abiotic stress, Storage root development, Starch metabolism. Personal interests include Hiking, Basketball.

“I like plant science, because plants are beautiful and diverse, they can provide the food and necessities for people living, and there are many magical processes during the plant growth and development process. “

Qi Li

Qi Li (he/him) is the First Author of A group of L-type lectin receptor kinases function redundantly in mediating extracellular NAD(P) signaling in Arabidopsis published 23 April 2024.

Li is a Biological scientist II at University of Florida. Education background includes a 2015 Ph.D Cell Biology at Shandong Agricultural University; 2010 BSc Biology Science at Shandong Agricultural University. Research interests include Plant immunity, Systemic acquired resistance. Personal interests include music, cooking.

“Agriculture is heavily reliant on plant science for improving crop yields, developing disease-resistant varieties, and sustainable farming practices. Individuals interested in feeding the growing global population and ensuring food security may find plant science appealing.”

Da Zhang

Da Zhang (he/his) is the First Author of Transcription factor DIVARICATA1 positively modulates seed germination in response to salinity stress  published 30 April 2024.

He is an Assistant Researcher at Changli Institute of Pomology. Education background includes 2023 College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University (Ph.D. student) and 2018 College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University (Bachelor). Research interests include Plant metabolism, Abiotic stress. Personal interests include Cycling, Reading.

“In 2018, I was recommended to the Rapeseed Heterosis and Bio-breeding Team of the College of Agronomy. Under the guidance of professor Mingxun Chen, I investigated the key factors and mechanisms regulating seed germination and oil accumulation in Rapeseed. In the present study, we showed that DIV1 positively regulates seed germination in response to salinity stress by directly regulating the expression of GASA4 and DOGL3, and the DIV1 expression is directly repressed by the seed germination repressor of NF-YC9. Our study provides insights into the regulatory mechanisms of seed germination and lays a foundation for breeding salinity stress-resistant cultivars to improve crop productivity through biotechnological strategies.”