Do you evo-devo? Open call for Plantae Presents short talk submissions

In an effort to provide more speaking opportunities in the Plantae Presents virtual seminar series, we’ve scheduled four “open calls”. Anyone can submit a seven-minute video on the designated research topic, and all will be posted to the Plantae YouTube channel. Four speakers will be selected from the submitted videos to contribute to a panel discussion.

The next submission deadline is Monday October 19th, on the topic of Evo-Devo as a discovery tool. The live event will take place on  Wed October 28th 2020 at 10am EDT.

Interested? Please complete the linked submission form indicating your talk title,  preferred date (Oct 28 for the evo-devo discussion), and provide a link to your video.

Additional planned sessions:

  • Heat-proof, drought-proof, flood-proof plants
    • 17 November 2020 9pm EST
  • Specialized metabolites: Medicines, flavors, defense and more
    • 20 January 2021 10am EST

The first Plantae Presents panel discussion was held in September, on the  topic of Plants and their microbiome. Read more here, and watch the recording.

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