Ting Pan: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesTing Pan, co-first author of “APC/CCDC20 targets SCFFBL17 to activate replication stress responses in Arapidopsis”
Current Position: Postdoc, Huazhong Agricultural University
Education: Ph.D., Sichuan University, China
Non-scientific Interests: Reading, Exercise
Brief bio: I joined Prof.…

Tianxia Yang: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesTianxia Yang, co-first author of “Tomato MED25 Regulates Fruit Ripening by Interacting with EIN3-like Transcription Factors”
Current Position: Postdoc. Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Education: Huazhong Agricultural University. Doctor of Science in…

Lei Deng: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Lei Deng, co-first author of “Tomato MED25 Regulates Fruit Ripening by Interacting with EIN3-like Transcription Factors”
Current Position:
Associate Professor, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Ph.D. in Chongqing…

Taiyu Chen: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesTaiyu Chen, first author of "Producing fast and active Rubisco in tobacco to enhance photosynthesis"
Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher at Huazhong Agricultural University/The University of Liverpool (UK)
Education: Ph.D., Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Non-scientific Interests:…

Gabriel DESLANDES-HÉROLD: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesGabriel DESLANDES-HÉROLD, first author of "The PRK/Rubisco shunt strongly influences Arabidopsis seed metabolism and oil accumulation, affecting more than carbon recycling"
Current Position: Lab Manager at Institute of Plant Science, University of Bern, Switzerland
Education: Dr. sc. ETH Zurich

Leonard Blaschek: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Leonard Blaschek, first author of "Different combinations of laccase paralogs nonredundantly control the amount and composition of lignin in specific cell types and cell wall layers in Arabidopsis"
Current Position: EMBO postdoctoral fellow at Copenhagen University
Education: BSc Biology, Greifswald…

Katelyn H McKown: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Katelyn H McKown, first author of "Expanded roles and divergent regulation of FAMA in Brachypodium and Arabidopsis stomatal development"
Current Position: Lecturer in the Civic, Liberal, and Global Education program at Stanford University
Education: B.S. with honors in Biology (Stanford University),…

Zhenpeng Luo: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Zhenpeng Luo, first author of "The small peptide CEP1 and the NIN-like protein NLP1 regulate NRT2.1 to mediate root nodule formation across nitrate concentrations"
Current Position: Ph. D. candidate
Education: Ph.D. in Genetics, CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences (CEMPS), University…

Wenjia Xu: The Plant Cell First Author
The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Wenjia Xu, co-first author of Endosperm cellularization failure induces a dehydration stress response leading to embryo arrest
Current position: Postdoc in Dr. Enrico Magnani lab, INRAE Centre de Versailles-Grignon, France
Education: MSc from Northeast Forestry University, China; Ph.D from Université…