Shintaro Ichikawa: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Shintaro Ichikawa, first author of "Live-cell imaging of the chloroplast outer envelope membrane using fluorescent dyes"
Current Position: Ph.D student, Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity, Utsunomiya University, Japan
Education: Bachelor of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University,…

Sarathi M. Weraduwage: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Sarathi M. Weraduwage, first author of "Characterization of promoter elements of isoprene-responsive genes, and the ability of isoprene to bind START domain transcription factors"
Current Position: Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Department of Biology and Biochemistry, Bishop’s University, QC,…

Hila Behar: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Hila Behar, first author of "Populus endo-glucanase 16 localizes to the cell walls of developing tissues"
Current Position: Co-founder at BryoSphere Biotechnologies
Education: B.Sc. Biology, Tel Aviv University (2011-2014); Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of British Columbia…

Stefanie Böhmer: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Stefanie Böhmer, first author of "Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants deficient for Old Yellow Enzyme 3 exhibit increased photooxidative stress"
Current Position: Post-doc at Photobiotechnology group, Ruhr University Bochum
B.Sc. Biology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany (2011 – 2014)

Rong Guo: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Rong Guo, first author of "The identification of conserved sequence features of co-translationally decayed mRNAs and upstream open reading frames in angiosperm transcriptomes"
Education: BA. in Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Boston University
Non-scientific Interests: Playing the…

Raed Ahmad Al Saharin: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Raed Ahmad Al Saharin, first author of "Using CRL3BPM E3 ligase substrate recognition sites as tools to impact plant development and stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana"
Current Position: Assistant Professor (Tafila Technical University)
Education: PhD of Molecular Plant Sciences/ Washington State…

Xiangyan Feng: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Xiangyan Feng, first author of "The limiting effect of genome size on xylem vessel diameter is shifted by environmental pressures in seed plants"
Current Position: PhD at Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Education: My research field is Plant…

Santos Barrera Lemus: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author ProfilesSantos Barrera Lemus, first author of "Large genomic introgression blocks of Phaseolus parvifolius Freytag bean into the common bean enhance the crossability between tepary and common beans"
Current Position: Biotech Research Manager at Plant Sciences Inc.
Education: Ph.D. in Agronomy and Horticulture,…

Brian St. Aubin: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Brian St. Aubin, first author of “Regulatory dynamics distinguishing desiccation tolerance strategies within resurrection grasses”
Current Position: Computational Biologist, Pairwise
Education: PhD in the lab of Prof. Gregg Howe (Michigan State University), B.S. in Genetics and Plant Biology…