Elena Andrea Pelech: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Elena Andrea Pelech, first author of "Photosynthesis, yield, energy balance, and water-use of intercropped maize and soybean"
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
Education: PhD. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA; BSc University of Essex, UK
Non-scientific Interests: Mythology,…

Stephen Deslauriers: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Stephen Deslauriers, first author of "Electrophysiological study of Arabidopsis ABCB4 and PIN2 auxin transporters: Evidence of auxin activation and interaction enhancing auxin selectivity"
Current Position: Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Minnesota Morris
Education: B.S. Biology (University…

Meng-Rong Chuang: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Meng-Rong Chuang, first author of "Chloroplast import of an intermembrane space protein is facilitated by translocon components Toc75 and Tic236"
Current Position: Research Assistant at Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Education: MS in Institute of…

Linkan Dash: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Linkan Dash, first author of "slim shady is a novel allele of PHYTOCHROME B present in the T-DNA line SALK_015201"
Current Position: PhD student of Dr. Dior Kelley, Department of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology, Iowa State University
Education: Masters and Bachelors in Biology (National…

Mohit Kumar Swarnkar: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Mohit Kumar Swarnkar, first author of "Prickle morphogenesis in rose is coupled with secondary metabolite accumulation and governed by canonical MBW transcriptional complex"
Current Position: Ph.D. Candidate (GNDU, Amritsar) and Senior Technical Officer, Division of Biotechnology, CSIR-Institute of…

Shuxiao Zhang: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Shuxiao (Susan) Zhang, first author of Root vacuolar sequestration and suberization are prominent responses of Pistacia spp. rootstocks during salinity stress
Current Position: PhD student in the Plant Biology Graduate Program at University of California Davis
Education: BS in plant biology,…

Recognizing Plant Direct first author Liza Esther Alexander
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Dr. Liza Esther Alexander, first author of High spatial resolution imaging of the dynamics of cuticular lipid deposition during Arabidopsis flower development
Current Position: Associate Scientist I, Kemin Industries Inc, Des Moines, Iowa
Education: Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, and…

Recognizing Plant Direct author Joanna Friesner
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author Profiles, Research
Joanna Friesner, first author of Broadening the impact of plant science through innovative, integrative and inclusive outreach
Current Position: Executive Director, North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee (NAASC)
Education: PhD in Genetics, University of California, Davis

Recognizing Plant Direct author Antoni Sanchez-Ortiz
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Antoni Sanchez-Ortiz first author of Water stress assessment on grapevines by using classification and regression trees
Current Position: Professor and Winemaker
Education: Degree in Chemistry, Degree in Enology, MS in Human Nutrition and Metabolism
Non-scientific Interests: Bonsai and Forest…