Update: Modeling stomatal conductance
Plant Physiology: Updates0 Comments
Robust models of stomatal conductance are greatly needed to predict plant-atmosphere interactions in a changing climate, and to integrate new knowledge in physiology and ecological theory. Recent years have brought major advances in the experimental and theoretical understanding underpinning both process-based…

The PLETHORA Gene Regulatory Network Guides Growth and Cell Differentiation in Arabidopsis Roots
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, The Plant CellDue to plant cells’ shared walls and immobility, cell division, differentiation and expansion must be tightly regulated across space and time. The six members of the PLETHORA (PLT) transcription factor family distribute in gradients through the root tip and are largely responsible for its developmental…

Perspective: Computational Modeling of Auxin: A Foundation for Plant Engineering
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchAuxins are a class of phytohormones that regulate many aspects of plant development. Morales-Tapia and Cruz-Ramírez review the current status of the available auxin-driven computational models and discuss plausible integration of these into a single model for plant development. Computational modeling…

Growth-ring studies show no growth enrichment in Canadian boreal forests despite 50 years of CO2 enhancement
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchIt has been argued that rising atmospheric CO2 levels might benefit plants by providing them more substrate for photosynthetic carbon-fixation. However, numerous studies have indicated that other factors interfere with a so-called CO2-fertilization benefit. Girardin et al. explore recent tree growth…

Integrating omics reveals insights into grape response to high temperature
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchHeat stress is one of the main abiotic stresses plants encounter. Jiang et al. used combined transcriptomic and proteomic data to explore the responses of grape leaves to elevated temperatures (35, 40, 45°C). Using high-throughput sequencing and the iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation)…

Genome sequence and genetic diversity of European ash trees
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchAsh dieback (a fungal disease) and the beetle Agrilus planipennis (a herbivore) are crushing ash tree populations in the Northern Hemisphere. To shed light on the genetic basis of the trees' susceptibility and to understand the genetic diversity of these trees, Sollars et al. have sequenced one individual…

S-phase checkpoints regulate appressorium-mediated plant infection by rice blast fungus
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchThe rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae causes a devastating disease of rice that can reduce harvests by 30%. Infection of plant tissues by the fungus requires the formation of an appressorium, a specialized structure that builds up sufficient pressure to burst through the plant cuticle. Previous work…

UV-B perceived by the UVR8 photoreceptor inhibits plant thermomorphogenesis
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchAmbient temperature can influence plant architecture, an effect termed thermomorphogenesis. In A. thaliana, thermomorphogenesis phenotypes include stem elongation and changes in leaf elevation angles. Increased auxin biosynthesis involving the transcription factor PIF4 is required for thermomorphogenesis,…

Homeodomain protein underpins leaf shape variation in cotton ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchHomeodomain transcription factors are well-known as regulators of developmental patterning, including in leaves. Andres et al. examine the molecular basis behind leaf shape in cotton, particularly the Okra locus that was identified by breeders as a regulator of leaf shape. They show that the Okra locus…