Genomics from bean to cup: New insights into the history of Arabica coffee diversification
Plant Science Research WeeklyAs one of the most traded commodities in the world, coffee has cultural and economic impact that spans continents. The main source of coffee beans, Coffea arabica (Arabica), is a polyploid species that resulted from the hybridization between diploid C. canephora (Robusta) and C. eugenioides (Eugenioides).…

Genetic gains underpinning a little-known strawberry Green Revolution
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe domestication of cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) traces back approximately 300 years, providing us with a relatively comprehensive genealogy of this artificial hybrid species. Strawberry yield in the US has increased by 2,755% since the 1960’s, largely owing to the California strawberry…

Enhanced super-resolution ribosome profiling unveils pervasive translation of upstream ORFs and small ORFs in Arabidopsis
Plant Science Research WeeklyIn recent years, the discovery that the translational regulation of many mRNAs is influenced by small upstream open reading frames (uORFs) has highlighted the importance of precisely identifying gene structures and translated ORFs to understand gene functions and cellular behavior. Using Arabidopsis,…

Heat stress promotes Arabidopsis AGO1 phase separation and association with stress granule components
Plant Science Research WeeklyA new article by Blagojevic, Baldrich, and Schiaffini et al. reveals that Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE1 (AGO1) protein, a pivotal agent in miRNA and siRNA-mediated gene silencing associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum, dynamically localizes within stress granule components during heat stress (HS).…

Conjugation of ATG8 to vacuolar membranes as a response to cell wall damage
Plant Science Research WeeklyATG8 is a well-characterized protein involved in autophagy that binds to the double-membrane enclosed phagophore. In a new preprint, Julian et al. explore their finding that ATG8 binds to the single-membrane enclosed vacuolar membrane (tonoplast). They observed that this binding is enhanced by treatments…

Photoperiod-insensitive flowering is associated with the FT gene in hemp
Plant Science Research WeeklyCannabis sativa, also known as hemp or marijuana, is a widely cultivated plant for a variety of reasons. It is perhaps best known as a producer of an intoxicating chemical, THC, produced by glandular trichomes on female flowers, but low-THC producers (hemp) are cultivated for fibers. Flowering time affects…

Significant floral diversity independent of pollinator change in 'Buzz-Bee' pollinated Melastomataceae
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe concept of pollination syndromes posits that floral diversity arises from shifts among pollinator groups, yet their predictive accuracy for pollinator identification is debated. Kopper et al. leveraged machine learning, utilizing 44 floral traits from 252 species with known pollinator interactions,…

Plant Science Research Weekly: May 3, 2024
WWR Full PostReview: The plant immune system: From discovery to deployment
A review of the past 50 years of plant immunity by Jones, Staskawicz, and Dangl? Yes please! I particularly enjoy historical perspectives of a discipline, as they frame conceptual breakthroughs with the benefit of hindsight. As the article…

Cyanobacterial PSI assembly
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellDai, Song, Xu et al. identify Ycf51 as a photosystem I assembly factor in cyanobacteria
By Guo-Zheng Dai, Central China Normal University
Question: Background: While the mechanisms of photosystem II biogenesis and the auxiliary proteins involved are well…