DiversifyPlantPubs - Amplifying Underrepresented Voices
Blog, Changing Culture and Climate, NAASC, Resources for BIPOC0 Comments
NAASC #DiversifyPlantPubs is simple and straight-forward. The NAASC DiversifyPlantSci Twitter account @DiversifyPlants re-tweets scientific articles, including pre-prints, written by scientists who self-identify as plant science researchers with diverse identity(ies).
If you are Black, Indigenous,…

DiversifyPlantSci Online Resource - A List of Plant Scientists that are Members of Under-Represented Groups
Blog, NAASC, Resources for Allies, Resources for BIPOCThe North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee (NAASC) is committed to promoting a global plant sciences community that reflects the true diversity of all its members. To further this mission, members of the NAASC Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Committee (Dr Elizabeth Haswell , Dr Joanna Friesner ,…