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Advocacy and Policy in Plant Science

Plant science is pivotal in addressing some of the most critical global challenges, including food security, climate change, and biodiversity conservation. However, the impact of plant science research is often hindered by inadequate policies and lack of advocacy.  Advocacy and policy in plant science…

Plantae Presents: World Policies in Plant Science

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Plantae Presents: World Policies in Plant Science Featuring Susana Perera Valderrama, Félix Moronta and K.C Bansal   When: August 29, 2024, at 8:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT | 4:00 PM BST | 11:00 PM Beijing About this Webinar In this webinar, renowned experts from various fields of plant science…

How to Write a Good Scientific Manuscript for Publication

Writing a scientific publication entails methodical documentation and communication of research findings to the scientific community. A well-written manuscript presents a clear, concise, and thorough overview of your research, including its context, methodology, findings, and significance. A scientific…

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 26, 2024

Review: Stem cells of the vascular cambium Vascular cambium cells are meristematic cells responsible for secondary growth. Lineage tracing studies in Arabidopsis and poplar show the presence of single bifacial stem cells in each radial cell file that produce xylem inwards and phloem cells outwards.…