Entries by Mary Williams

Reviews: The regulation of cellulose biosynthesis in plants, and secondary cell wall biosynthesis

Plant cell walls are complex and somewhat difficult to study, but also idespensible for plants and central to many of the ways that people use plants (from wood to fibers to fuels). Two new articles review diverse aspects of plant cell wall synthesis. Polko and Kieber (Plant Cell 10.1105/tpc.18.00760 $) focus on the regulation of […]

Quantitative analysis of auxin sensing in leaf primordia argues against proposed role in regulating leaf dorsoventrality (eLIFE)

This is an interesting paper that touches on several topics. Bhatia et al. address the question of how polarity in leaves is first established: essentially, which comes first, polarity in auxin concentration or polarity in gene expression? The authors conclude that in the earliest leaf primordia, there is no gradient of auxin sensing (suggesting perhaps […]

Sunflower pan-genome, evidence for hybridization-altered disease resistance ($)

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an important oil-producing crop, which was domisticated in North America about 4000 years ago with elite varities being developed through the 19th and 20th centuries, narrowing its genetic variation. It retains the ability to hybridize with wild relatives, providing opportunities to introgress desirable traits. Hübner et al. sequenced and analyzed […]

Characterizing both bacteria and fungi improves understanding of the Arabidopsis root microbiome (Sci Reports)

Microbes that live in, on and near plants profoundly affect their growth and survival. Here, Bergelson et al. sequenced the bacterial and fungal microbiomes of Arabidopsis roots (previously they sequenced samples from leaves). The accessions are from all over the world but the sequenced samples are from a single field. Key take-aways are: don’t forget […]

What We’re Reading: January 25th

Special Issue: Genome to Phenome (Plant Journal) It’s January, which seems to be a month of weather extremes for many “temperate” parts of the globe. Here’s an excellent collection to curl up with as you try to stay warm or cool and out of the elements. The issue includes free-to-access reviews focused on using genomic […]

Progress in the study of interaction between cotton and Verticillium dahliae

Press release – translated from the original Article source: Microbiology Research Institute Published: 2019-01-23 Cotton Verticillium wilt is a soil-transmitted vascular bundle disease caused by Verticillium dahliae, which is the primary disease that restricts cotton production in China. It is the focus of the current cotton field research and application to discover the key disease resistance […]