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Plant Science Research Weekly: July 21, 2023

Focus Issue: Biomolecular Condensates Although The Plant Cell Focus Issue on Biomolecular Condensates officially comes out in September, due to the idiosyncrasies of publishing many of the articles are already available online, and I'm highlighting them now because this topic is also the focus of…

Jingjie Zhang: Plant Physiology First Author

Jingjie Zhang, first author of "Jasmonates regulate apical hook development by repressing brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling" Current Position: Postdoctor, School of Life Sciences, Guangzhou University, P.R. China 现在职位:广州大学生命科学学院博士后  Education: Bachelor…

How to Write a Resume, Cover Letter & CV

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A carefully crafted CV, resume, and cover letter are essential for successfully presenting yourself in today's cutthroat job market. By showcasing your abilities, accomplishments, and credentials, these documents act as your introduction to prospective employers. This article will guide you in creating…