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Plant Science Research Weekly: June 23, 2023

Essay: The coming golden age of lichen biology Lichens are remarkable, complex symbiotic organisms. They have evolved multiple times independently, but all lichen include at least one fungal partner (the mycobiont) which they usually resemble morphologically, and at least one cyanobacterial or algal…

Cell differentiation in the tapetum

Wu et al. investigate tapetum differentiation in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell (2023). By Yue Lou Background: The tapetum is the innermost layer of the four cell-layered anther wall. In Arabidopsis, the tapetum undergoes cell differentiation and transitions into secretory cells. Most nutrients…

Lu Yu: Plant Physiology First Author

Lu Yu, co-first author of "Transcription factor OsSNAC1 positively regulates nitrate transporter gene expression in rice" Current Position: Master student of Huazhong Agricultural University Education: 2020-2023, Huazhong Agricultural University, Master 2016-2020, Shanxi Agricultural University,…