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SIGMA FACTOR5 protects freezing plants

Low temperatures quickly and reversibly inhibit photosynthesis, which is assumed to shield the photosynthetic system from a drop in metabolic activity brought about by cold. In a recent study, Cano-Ramirez et al. found that in Arabidopsis, a nuclear-encoded sigma factor (SIG5) controls chloroplast transcription…

Plant Science Research Weekly: April 28, 2023

Review: Resolving metabolic interaction mechanisms in plant microbiomes Life is spurred forward by the power of metabolic interactions. Within the plant microbiome, microbial communities use diverse mechanisms to thrive, survive, and multiply. In this review, Pacheco & Vorholt describe the interplay…

CsCRC regulates cucumber fruit length

Che, Pan, Liu, Li et al. provide insight into fruit length variation in cucumber. By Gen Chea,e, Yupeng Panb, Xiaolan Zhanga,* aState Key Laboratories of Agrobiotechnology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Growth and Developmental Regulation for Protected Vegetable Crops, MOE Joint Laboratory for International…

Dan Yuan: The Plant Cell Author Profile

Dan Yuan, co-first author of "INDETERMINATE1 autonomously regulates phosphate homeostasis upstream of the miR399-ZmPHO2 signaling module in maize" Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Life Sciences and Oceanography, Shenzhen University Education: Ph.D. in Huazhong Agricultural University Non-scientific…

Xufeng Wang: The Plant Cell Author Profile

Xufeng Wang, co-first author of "INDETERMINATE1 autonomously regulates phosphate homeostasis upstream of the miR399-ZmPHO2 signaling module in maize" Current Position: Assistant Project Scientist, Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside Education: Ph.D., China Agricultural…