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Improving cotton with strigolactones

Zhang, Tian, et al. examine strigolactone signaling in cotton fiber development  Guanghui Xiao and Yuzhou Zhang College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China College of Life Sciences, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, Yangling,…

iFANS 2023: Time to Talk About Nutrition Security

The International Conference on Food And Nutritional Security (iFANS 2023) was held January 6-9, 2023. It was jointly organized with the 5th International Plant Physiology Congress and the 44th annual meeting of the Plant Tissue Culture Association (India). And it was huge. Imagine an event jointly organized…

Special issue: Rubisco and its regulation

Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase) catalyzes the fixation of atmospheric carbon from CO2 to molecules used for biosynthesis and energy production. Several studies have focused on understanding the nature, complexity, activity, and regulation of Rubisco due to its key role in the production…

Review: Not only turgor can shape plant growth!

Cell wall tensile stress and turgor pressure are two important determinants of cell growth. Turgor pressure has been regarded as a passive contributor, however recent evidence reviewed by Ali et al. suggests that turgor is an emergent property that determines growth. Wall stress and turgor pressure are…

A paternal perspective on maternal inheritance

Nuclear DNA is inherited from both parents during sexual reproduction, but organellar DNA is (usually) exclusively received from the mother. However, stable biparental inheritance of organellar DNA has also been reported in plants and animals but its molecular mechanism is unknown. Using quantitative…