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Anna Olek: Plant Physiology First Author

Anna Olek, first author of "Essential amino acids in the Plant-Conserved and Class-Specific Regions of cellulose synthases" Current Position:  Recently retired Education: Anna Olek received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 1977 from Kraków University of Technology, Poland, and she received…

María Fernanda Gómez Méndez

María Fernanda Gómez Méndez, first author of "Ice plant root plasma membrane aquaporins are regulated by clathrin-coated vesicles in response to salt stress" Current Position: Lab assistant in Dr. Dahesh Lab at UC Riverside Education: BCs in Morelos State Autonomous University, Mexico. Master…

Huan Zhang: Plant Physiology First Author

Huan Zhang, co-first author of "The B-box transcription factor IbBBX29 regulates leaf development and flavonoid biosynthesis in sweet potato" Current Position: Associate professor, College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China Education: Ph.D. from China…

Xiaoru Gao: Plant Physiology First Author

Xiaoru Gao, co-first author of “The B-box transcription factor IbBBX29 regulates leaf development and flavonoid biosynthesis in sweet potato” Education: 2012.09-2016.06 Henan Agricultural University (Bachelor); 2016.09-2023.01 China Agricultural University (Ph.D) Non-scientific Interests:…

Xiaoguang Chen: The Plant Cell First Author

Xiaoguang Chen, first author of "A plastid nucleoside kinase is involved in inosine salvage and control of purine nucleotide biosynthesis"  Current Position: No at present (position hunting) Education:  Ph.D. at Leibniz Universität Hannover Non-scientific Interests: Sports, Cooking Brief…

Hung-Chi Liu: Plant Physiology First Author

Hung-Chi Liu, first author of "Cytosolic Phosphoglucose Isomerase Is Essential for Microsporogenesis and Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis" Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Education: PhD from School of Biomedical, Biomolecular…

Identifying thousands of RNA genes in Brassicaceae

Palos et al. identify thousands of new long intergenic noncoding RNAs using public data.  By Kyle Palos and Andrew Nelson  Background: All plants have thousands of genes in their genomes that contribute to plant form and function. While the functional “end-state” of many of these genes are…

Alexis Brun: Plant Direct First Author

Alexis Brun, first author of "MCO1 and MCO3, two putative ascorbate oxidases with ferroxidase activity, new candidates for the regulation of apoplastic iron excess in Arabidopsis" Current Position : Searching for a Post-doctoral position Education : PhD in Plant functional and molecular biology…