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Chloroplasts: reporting at the door

Loudya et al. report that complementary mutations in TIC100 of the chloroplast inner envelope membrane can cause reductions or corrective improvements in chloroplast protein import, highlighting a role in signalling. Plant Cell By Naresh Loudya, Paul Jarvis and…

Enzo Ariel Perk: Plant Direct First Author

Enzo Ariel Perk, co-first author of "The isothiocyanate sulforaphane induces respiratory burst oxidase homologue D-dependent reactive oxygen species production and regulates expression of stress response genes" Current Position: PhD student in IIB Mar del Plata. Education: PhD student in  Biological…

Ashish Kumar: The Plant Cell First Author

Ashish Kumar, co-first author of "Plant-specific HDT family histone deacetylases are nucleoplasmins" Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Yale University, CT, USA. Education: Ph.D. in Biotechnology from Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar, India Non-scientific Interests:…

Daniel Ginzburg: Plant Physiology Author

Daniel Ginzburg, first author of "Uncoupling differential water usage from drought resistance in a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant" Current Position: Research Assistant – Carnegie Institution for Science, Department of Plant Biology Education: M.Sc. Agricultural Sciences – Hebrew University of Jerusalem…