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Shao-Li Yang: The Plant Cell First Author

Shao-Li Yang, first author of "Misregulation of MYB16 expression causes stomatal cluster formation by disrupting polarity during asymmetric cell divisions" Current Position: Research assistant (RA), Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology (IPMB), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Education:  08/2016-06/2018    …

Andrea Mair: Plant Physiology First Author

Andrea Mair, first author of "Advances in enzyme-mediated proximity labeling and its potential for plant research" Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher in the Bergmann lab at Stanford Education: Diploma studies (equivalent to MSc) in Molecular Biology, University of Vienna, Austria; PhD in…

Ferredoxins: Putting the Ring in Chlorophyll

Stuart et al. identify the barley Viridis-k gene and assign a specific function for a C-type ferredoxin as the long-sought electron donor for the cyclase enzyme in chlorophyll biosynthesis. Background: Chlorophyll is the green color of plants. It is made in several…

Matthias Ostermeier: The Plant Cell First Author

Matthias Ostermeier, first author of "Thylakoid attachment to the plasma membrane in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 requires the AncM protein" Current Position: PhD student at laboratory of Molecular Plant Sciences, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich Education: M.Sc. in Biology, Ludwig Maximilians…

Steffen Heinz: The Plant Cell First Author

Steffen Heinz, first author of "Thylakoid attachment to the plasma membrane in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 requires the AncM protein" Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher in the Molecular Plant Science group, LMU Munich, Germany Education: PhD, Molecular Plant Science group, LMU Munich, Germany;…