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Ambre Guillory: The Plant Cell First Author

Ambre Guillory, co-first author of "The Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) patens PpKAI2L receptors for strigolactones and related compounds function via MAX2-dependent and independent pathways" Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher at LIPME (INRAE-CNRS Toulouse) Education: PhD in Plant Biology,…

Matthew Dwyer: Plant Physiology First Author

Matthew Dwyer, first author of "Light-dependent phosphorylation of THRUMIN1 regulates its association with actin filaments and 14-3-3 proteins" Current Position: Postdoctoral position in the Kerfeld Lab at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (Starting in September) Education: B.S. in Biology,…

Fayezeh Aarabi: Plant Physiology First Author

Fayezeh Aarabi, first author of "Sulfur Deficiency Induced genes affect seed protein accumulation and composition under sulfate deprivation" Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology Education: BS in Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy &…

Help us to curate an equity, diversity, and inclusion calendar

We are a diverse community and celebrate many culturally significant dates, some with religious roots, and others that recognize our different heritages and identities. As part of our ongoing equity, diversity and inclusion efforts, we are curating an “equity, diversity, and inclusion calendar”.…

Home Delivery for Chloroplast Membrane Proteins

Anderson et al. show how the Arabidopsis protein GET3B acts as a targeting factor for proteins important in chloroplast development.  Plant Cell. By Donna Fernandez and Stacy Anderson, Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin…