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Plant Science Research Weekly: May 28, 2021

Review. Under siege: virus control in plant meristems and progeny Perhaps, when our lives have been turned upside down by a human pathogenic virus, it’s easy to overlook the fact that plants too suffer from viral infections; but of course, they do. (And of course, famously, viruses were first discovered…

Changtian Pan: The Plant Cell First Author

Changtian Pan, first author of PIF4 negatively modulates cold tolerance in tomato anthers via temperature-dependent regulation of tapetal cell death Current Position: Post-Doctoral Associate, Department of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland-College Park Education:…

Jiying Li: Plant Physiology First Author

Jiying Li, co-first author of DeepLearnMOR: a deep-learning framework for fluorescence image-based classification of organelle morphology Current Position: Software Engineer, Microsoft Education: M.S. in Computer Science (UC Davis), Ph.D. in Genetics (Michigan State University) Non-scientific…

Jinghao Peng: Plant Physiology First Author

Jinghao Peng, co-first author of DeepLearnMOR: a deep-learning framework for fluorescence image-based classification of organelle morphology Current Position: MS Student, School of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China. Education: B.S. degree, Northeast Normal…

Plant Point of View: Tomato CRY1a

Written and Illustrated by Laura Mejia. Click on images to enlarge. Liu et al. (2018) analyzed how cryptochrome, CRY1a, affects developmental processes in tomato. They found that this photoreceptor contributes to the regulation of the plant responses to light including the inhibition of hypocotyl…

ATM safeguards Arabidopsis meiosis

Kurzbauer and colleagues combine genetic, genomic and cytological analyses to reveal the role of ATM during Arabidopsis meiosis.  By Marie-Therese Kurzbauer and Peter Schlögelhofer, Department of Chromosome Biology, Max Perutz Labs, University of Vienna, Vienna BioCenter Background: ATM is…

Jesús Pascual: Plant Physiology First Author

Jesús Pascual, co-first author of ACONITASE 3 is part of the ANAC017 transcription factor-dependent mitochondrial dysfunction response Current Position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Molecular Plant Biology Unit, University of Turku, Finland. Education: PhD in Biology (University…