Injecting new life into a classic technique
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: News and Views, ResearchAuthor: Robert P. Skelton
Institution: Dept. of Integrative Biology, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, 94720; CA
Commentary on Hochberg et al
A new technique for rapidly quantifying xylem vulnerability curves
In this volume of Plant Physiology, Hochberg et al. (2019) present a…
How BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE2 Negatively Regulates Freezing Tolerance
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In a NutshellYe et al. uncover how the kinase activity of BIN2 helps balance plant growth and cold stress responses. Plant Cell (2019)
Background: Cold stress is an environmental factor that limits the growth and geographic distribution of plants. It is important to understand…
New Teaching Tool "Computational Image Processing in Microscopy"
Blog, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsWe’re excited to announce the publication of The Plant Cell’s latest Teaching Tool, “Computational Image Processing in Microscopy,” by Adrienne Roeder, available without subscription at (and in the October issue of The Plant Cell).
The age of big data includes sophisticated imaging…
Plant Synthetic Biology Collection - Synbio Methods
Blog, Collections, Synthetic Biology0 Comments
This Synthetic Biology collection includes papers detailing methods that have potential application in plant synthetic biology, ranging from protoplasting to directed evolution. | See Original
Mapping the landscape of C4 gene regulation
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In a NutshellBurgess et al characterize genome-wide patterns of transcription factor binding to provide insight into the architecture associated with C4 photosynthesis gene expression. Plant Cell
By Steven James Burgess (University of Cambridge, UK) and Ivan A. Reyna-Llorens…
Review: Revolutions in agriculture chart a course for targeted breeding of old and new crops ($) (Science)
Plant Science Research WeeklyA few traits are associated with domestication across many species. Eshed and Lippman provide an overview of the changes to plant stature and flowering time that have been repeatedly selected by our ancestors. By comparing the molecular underpinnings of these traits across crops, it becomes clear that…
A reference genome for pea provides insight into legume genome evolution (Nature Genetics)
Plant Science Research WeeklyPea (Pisum sativum) is an important protein-rich crop that introduces most students to the principles of Mendelian genetics, but it has lagged behind in the genomics era due to its much larger genome size than newer model legumes. Kreplak et al. have now released an annotated chromosome-level reference…
Selaginella moellendorffii expression atlas provides insight into the origin and evolution of plant vasculature (bioRxiv)
Plant Science Research WeeklyLand plants (embryophytes) evolved from freshwater algal predecessors over 450 million years ago and have since separated into the morphologically diverse lineages observed today. A key feature in the expansion of plant life on land was the development of the plant vasculature and complex rooting systems.…
Cannabis glandular trichomes alter morphology and metabolite content during flower maturation ($) (Plant J)
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe therapeutic and recreational applications of Cannabis sativa (Cs) attract public and clinical interest thanks to its secondary metabolites (cannabinoids and terpenes) synthesized and stored in glandular trichomes, hair-like epidermal protrusion densely concentrated in the flowers. Little is known…