From Golden Rice to aSTARice: Bioengineering astaxanthin biosynthesis in rice endosperm (Molecular Plant)
Plant Science Research WeeklyZu et al., have successfully harnessed the power of synthetic biology to increase the nutritional content of rice by overexpressing only four synthetic genes in rice endosperm. Here, the authors have created a colorful gradient of carotenoid-enriched rice by expressing two, three, and then four genes…
Looking Back on 2018 - What You’re* Reading
WWR Full PostA look back at the most popular articles shared on Plantae social media in 2018.
Plantae Social Media Interns Katie Rogers and Juniper Kiss have been reviewing the 2018 stats. Previously they shared the most popular posts overall. Here, they share the posts to research and review articles that got…
Faculty Job: Myths & Realities - an interview with Santosh Satbhai
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About you
Describe your journey from student to newly appointed faculty
I grew up in country side during my childhood and schooling. I graduated from University of Pune, India with a degree in Biochemistry. I then moved to Japan and started my PhD with D. Setsuyuki Aoki at Nagoya University,…
Differential splicing and transcripts: Not as simple as it first appears
BlogAt first thought, dealing with alternative splicing with RNA-seq might appear simple. In the simplest situations, you could have a couple of different transcripts, and it is simple to work out if any increase from the reads mapping uniquely to each transcript (Figure 1).
Figure 1 - Blue boxes are constitutive…
Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: JianCai Li
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Author ProfilesJiancai Li, first author of A group D MAPK protects rice plants from autotoxicity by suppressing herbivore-induced signaling
Current position: Postdoctoral fellow at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Germany.
Education: Ph.D., Agriculture Entomology & Pest Control, Zhejiang University,…