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The Future of Phenomics Enabled Biology: Key Takeaways from Phenome 2018

The Future of Phenomics Enabled Biology: Key Takeaways from Phenome 2018 Recorded March 2018  About This Webinar: In this webinar, Carolyn Lawrence-Dill and Joshua Peschel, members of the Phenome 2018 Organizing Committee, discuss the key takeaways from the February 2018 conference held in Tucson,…

More Jobs on Plantae Job Center - March 7, 2018

ASPB and Plantae have already set a tone of collaboration and constant improvement by and for plant scientists. In keeping with our commitment to providing the best recruitment resources for our members, we offer the Plantae Job Center. The Job Center will provide service includes features that will…

Coordinating Cell Walls and Cell Growth: A Role for LRX Extensin Chimeras

To regulate the addition of cell wall components as cells expand and to control changes in cell wall composition as cells differentiate, there must be a feedback system that senses the state of the cell wall and transmits this information. The mechanisms underlying cell wall-intracellular signaling remain…

A Novel Role of Ring Chromosomes as Evolutionary Drivers of Herbicide Resistance

In eukaryotes, chromosomes are linear structures; in contrast, a ring-shaped chromosome is a rare structure that results from the fusion of broken ends of linear chromosomes. Ring chromosomes may be induced by radiation or may occur spontaneously. In humans, ring chromosomes occur in approximately 1:50,000…

Sugar Coating the Phloem Sieve Element Wall

Whereas fluorescent tagging of proteins has dramatically advanced the study of protein function in cell biology, similar approaches with walls have been difficult due to the few methods available to visualize polysaccharides and monitor their dynamic modifications. What has become increasingly clear…

Plant Physiology Launches Assistant Features Editors

By Michael R. Blatt and Mary Williams NEW (July 31, 2019): Information about applying to the 2020 Plant Physiology Assistant Features Editor program can be found here. Applications due by September 30, 2019. See below for more information on the AFE program.   Published March 2018.…

Recognizing featured Plant Cell first authors: Wei Wang

Wei Wang, featured first author of Expression of the Nitrate Transporter Gene OsNRT1.1A/OsNPF6.3 Confers High Yield and Early Maturation in Rice Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Education: Ph.D in Genetics at the Institute…

Recognizing featured Plant Cell first authors: Bin Hu

Bin Hu is featured first author of Expression of the Nitrate Transporter Gene OsNRT1.1A/OsNPF6.3 Confers High Yield and Early Maturation in Rice Current Position: Associate Professor, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences Education: Ph.D in Genetics at the Institute…

The Real Yield Deal? Nitrate Transporter Expression Boosts Yield and Accelerates Maturation

Approaches to improve final grain production must consider yield stability, that is ways to prevent yield losses. For example, flowering time affects yield and yield stability-- if grains mature late, they may be literally caught out in the cold, as late-season weather turns. Indeed, the application…