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What We're Reading: January 12th edition

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Focus Issue: Cellular Dynamics Plant Physiology has released a focus issue on the topic of Cellular Dynamics, which includes Updates on topics ranging from Actin Dynamics to Wall Growth. The Editorial by Szymanski, Bassham, Munnik, and Sakamoto provides an excellent overview of the current state of…

Start the New Year With a New Career - January 9, 2018

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ASPB and Plantae have already set a tone of collaboration and constant improvement by and for plant scientists. In keeping with our commitment to providing the best recruitment resources for our members, we are excited to announce the launch of our new and expanded online employment resource: the…

Highlights of Plant Science 2017

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During the final week of 2017 we reminded you of some of the big stories and successes that came from our community. These stories were highly accessed through the ASPB and blogs, our many social media sites, and our journal websites. Originally publised as a set of six posts, we've assembled…