General Tips on Writing a Competitive Grant Proposal & Preparing a Budget
Careers, Grant Writing, Skills and Advice0 Comments
A federal grant is an award of financial assistance from a federal agency to a recipient to carry out a public purpose of support authorized by Federal law. Grants are subject to statutory, regulatory, and policy-based requirements, depending on the particular program. Federal agencies, including the…
Ten Simple Rules for Selecting a Postdoctoral Position
Careers, Finding Your Next Position, Graduate StudentsYou are a PhD candidate and your thesis defense is already in sight. You have decided you would like to continue with a postdoctoral position rather than moving into industry as the next step in your career (that decision should be the subject of another “Ten Simple Rules”). Further, you already…
Ten Simple Rules for Graduate Students
Careers, Finding Your Next Position, Graduate StudentsChoosing to go to graduate school is a major life decision. Whether you have already made that decision or are about to, now it is time to consider how best to be a successful graduate student. Here are some thoughts from someone who holds these memories fresh in her mind (JG) and from someone who has…
BBSRC research grants guide
Careers, Grant Writing, Skills and AdviceInformation on all aspects of funding through the BBSRC research grants, including eligibility and application procedures. From the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).
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USDA Teacher Resources: Wildflowers and Pollinators
Activities, Education, Younger ChildrenAn extensive set of resources for various grade levels to help children explore the relationships between plants and pollinators.
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Living Schoolyards Month Activity Guide (2016)
Activities, Activities, Education, Education General Public, Younger ChildrenThis free guide (PDF) has over forty hands-on activities for PreK-12th grade students and the public. Activities are succinctly & beautifully presented. Each one includes goals, materials, procedures, age guidelines and teaching tips useful photos on 1-2 pages. Overarching themes include: Art, Recreation,…
Art of Grantsmanship
Careers, Grant Writing, Skills and AdviceWriting a successful grant application is an art. Although the science is primarily being evaluated, presentation and respect for the requirements of the funding agency are key aspects that can make or break an application. In this article, Jack Kraicer, former Director of Research Grants at HFSP provides…
Feed, Nourish, Thrive - career education portal
Careers, Finding Your Next Position, Undergraduate StudentsThe Feed, Nourish, Thrive campaign website and portal help young people currently making decisions about their future explore various interesting and fulfilling careers in food and agriculture. By engaging with the site, and delving into its interactive resources, young people will learn that careers…
What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team (NY Times)
Careers, Mentoring, Skills and AdviceNew York Times By CHARLES DUHIGG FEB. 25, 2016
Fascinating story of how Google approached the question of why some teams work better than others - by analyzing lots of data, they found evidence for whan many of us know intuitively, "What Project Aristotle has taught people within Google is that no…